Pathways to CyberInfrastructure



Shodor > CyberPathways > Workshops 2007 > WDHill

Lie Detection

Topic: Lie Detection
Time Duration: 1 hour Teaching, 1 hour Activity, 10 minutes Reflection
Grades: K-7th

The class began with the teacher explaining how to detect when someone is lying. The students gave examples of things people do when they lie. The class discussed different court cases they have seen on T.V. Each student pointed out different court cases when people lied from local court shows. The students played the game two truths and a lie. In groups of three, the students had to determine which statement was a lie. As the students participated in the games, the instructor walked around to set up the trial. The instructor chose four detectives, two witnesses, and one criminal.
The criminal had to sneak and steal two pens off of the table. The detectives had to figure out who stole the pens. The teacher walked around whispering in the students ears, "It's going to be an investigation," "Someone did something bad," "The person next to you is guilty," you're my detective," and "You are going to steal my pens." The class played a game of Simon says while the criminal took the two pens. The detectives were gathered together to discuss how to call to the investigation chair. One of the summer staff members was the Judge over the trial. The trial last until class was over.

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