Pathways to CyberInfrastructure



Shodor > CyberPathways > Workshops 2006 > WDHill

Pattern Recognition

Topic: Pattern Recognition
Time Duration: 40 minutes of lesson time and 30 minutes of independent time
Grades: K-7

This lesson begun with demonstrating patterns by doing a sequence of claps, snaps and taps, using the body. The students decided whether the sequence of actions was a pattern or not. During the group discussion each student played a pattern that was assigned to them and each pattern was different. (This was added as a way for the students to have fun with the lesson.) Once the students understood the definition of a pattern, they went over some vocabulary words with the instructor. The vocabulary included words like sequence and repetition.

Next, the instructor made up some examples of patterns, and drew them on the chalk board with some elements missing. The students filled in the blanks as a class. Each pattern was discussed. The discussion included how to continue a pattern and what makes a pattern. The instructor also discussed different ways patterns are used in the real world, in occupations and in school. The students were assigned computers to complete patterns on the Interactivate website.

The students used Interactivate's "Pattern Generator" applet to complete a series of sequences. The level of difficulty was increased depending on the age and knowledge of each student. Next, the students had to explain how they knew the next pattern in the sequence. After every student presented their explanation, the students were given free time to play with more patterns on the applet.

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