Arjun Nair's Awesome Website

Fall Projects

  • Fall Group Project: Dolphins & Fishing Boats
  • This was the first group project that we had in Shodor, my partner for this project was Ronith. Ronith and I decided to model our project on Dolphin and Fish populations through Vensim as well as Agent Cubes Model. In the process we learned a lot about modeling in Vensim and how we could establish several variables in Agent Cube to simulate various scenarios. We also learned about how dolphins are killed through fishing as well as the topic of overfishing and how that could effect the entire ecosystem and food chain negatively.

  • Agent Cubes Model: Disease Model
  • This project was my first introduction to Agent Cubes and how you could simulate a model that has the ability to change its variables with a click of a button. We simulated a model that depicted how healthy individuals could get sick if in contact with a sick individual, thus, sooner or later the entire population in the world would get affected and become sick (whereas in this case the indication of sick was the color pink).

  • Predator & Prey Model
  • This was a modeling project that we did through Vensim and created a story and formed a relation between a predator and prey and created the certain behaviors that either animal would exhibit when in interaction.

  • Healthy & Sick Model
  • This was a modeling project that we did through Vensim and created a story and formed a relation between a healthy individual and sick individual and created the certain behaviors that either individual would exhibit when in interaction.

  • Rabbits Vensim Model
  • This was a modeling project that we did through Vensim and created a story and established certain characteristics and conditions a rabbit would exhibit in real life.

  • Dice & Spinner Excel Model
  • This project dealt with the probability of a spinner to be some kind of color. First, we simulated a random number that was in between 0 and 1 and thus, in response to that set an if statement that contained various ranges for each spinner color and if the number was part of a specific range then the spinner would be of that color. Then we had a dice probability that used the same random probability but with the ability to match the numbers that a dice contained (Done on Microsoft Excel).

  • Diffusion Excel Model
  • This project was modeling the dispersion and spreading of heat in a room. First, we assigned numbers and we provided the syntax through if statements and when the simulation started the heat spread and the values of the boxes were averaged by the incoming heat and thus, through the process the center was the center point of the spreading of heat to all the sides (Done on Microsoft Excel).

  • Simple Population Excel Model
  • This project dealt with the idea of a changing variable and thus calculating the entire population. So we created a few variables with the necessary code to simulate the variables and with that we charted those numbers in a column of cells on excel and expanded by dragging and then with those numbers we graphed the results and found some relations, such as the fact that over time the growth rate will become a replacement rate and the overall population will reach a carrying capacity, thus, we were able to draw the conclusion through modeling that population exhibited a logistic behavior (Done on Microsoft Excel).

  • Dominant & Recessive Excel Model
  • This project dealt with the simulation of different circumstances and the various outcomes that would result from such and such combinations. We gave random variability to the mother and father’s genes thus, being able to simulate different scenarios and later we took a counter of some specific data to draw some conclusions on the modeled topic (Done on Microsoft Excel).

  • Coin Flip Excel Model
  • This was a project that introduced us to coding - syntax, learning about counters and the impact and power an if statement had in computational science. We also learned how many 1’s and 0’s there were from the random probability, the 1’s represented heads and the 0’s represented tails (Done on Microsoft Excel).

  • HTML Research Guide
  • This was the our first project to research about HTML, it was to expand our knowledge on computational science specifically HTML. This helped me learn the semantics as well as the syntax of HTML and enabling me to create good websites and web designs now and for the future.

  • Office Ethics Project
  • This was a project that was assigned by Ron to expand our knowledge about professionalism and how professionalism affects the company we represent. The project was a prompt where we were asked to rectify and create solutions for some problems and dilemmas in a company while still observing and maintaining ethical standards.