Arjun Nair's Awesome Website

Summer Projects

  • SQL Syntax Guide
  • This project helped me learn the syntax and idea needed to when coding in SQL Database systems.

  • Coin Rendering Demo
  • Rendered the Coin Demo

  • Dice Roller
  • Rolling a die and showing the frequency tables for the results.

  • XML Blog Page
  • Writing a continuous blog through a xml file and inputting that through the php file.

  • Coin Flipper
  • Understanding the probability of tails and heads and getting the correct statistics from that data.

  • Name Switcher (Dane Joe)
  • Changing the first letter and last letter of each name - first name and last name, respectively.

  • Forms Demo
  • Intro to HTML forms and how to use php and display the inputs.

  • Dynamic Webpages
  • Interactive webpage that displays the HTML text from a different file.

  • Random Hexacode
  • This project involved the usage of php to generate a option of various backgrounds.

  • Programming Syntax Guide
  • It was a research guide that helped us learn about the different syntax's present in JavaScript and HTML.

  • Color Selector
  • This project involved the usage of php to generate a option of various backgrounds.

  • Personal Portfolio Website HLD
  • This project was illustrating and documenting what the expected outcome of Arjun Nair's website would turn out to be during his time at Shodor.

  • Responsive Web Design
  • This project dealt with following along with a online tutorial. It was to create a website that was website friendly, here is the link to obtain that online tutorial.

  • Gimp Images (Photoshop)
  • This project deals with using the tools in Gimp and creating an image out of two images, by cropping, scaling and fitting it into an already sketched out area, the process can be termed as photoshopping. So basically this project entailed making 3 images, one a demo (cosmic turtle), next a collage of images, and lastly a image of Ernie or Aaron photoshopped onto another image.

  • Web Banners
  • This project was to create web banners from the logos created in Inkscape. So, I modified my images on Inkscape and made it look like a web banner then I scaled the images through GIMP and ended up with the following results.

  • Logos
  • This project deals with the idea that we use are creativity minds to create an image that represents a technical message, we are supposed to create 8 different logos, which were two abstract ones, two logos based on your initial, two logos based on your name, a collage and a favicon to represent your website.

  • GIMP
  • This project involved the usage of GIMP, with GIMP we took a picture that we liked and decreased the size to a fourth and then we created multiple different qualities (picture quality) of the same picture that is in 100, 75, 50 & 25 percents. Then, we cropped the image to get a picture of 200px, 400px, 468px * 60px (Full Banner) & 728px * 90px (Leaderboard).

  • Modeling Project HLD
  • An HLD that includes the information of what the model is supposed to depict in the different softwares that is one through Vensim and the other one a more interactive one through AgentCubes.