Spring Projects

COVID-19 Transfer Model

Please click on "COVID-19 Transfer Model" in order to be redirected to the model's web page. This model was done between me and my partner Anna, who became very passionate about the subject of COVID-19 due to its relevance to today's society and the fact that both of us had our schools shut down because of the pandemic. The model displays the transfer of COVID-19 in a school that outlines the risks of what would become of schools if the schools did not shut down. The model displays the transfer by if a healthy student comes in contact with an asymptomatic infected person, because they are teenagers, they would only have a 10 percent chance of extracting the virus to keep the model realistic and accurate. As time goes on, the person infected can infect other people and also show more severe symptoms after a certain amount of time. Many other factors can be played in the model such as hygiene practices (or lack thereof), contact with a sick family member, or lack of hygiene supplies such as soap and handsanitizers based on lack of school funding.

Bouncing Particles Model

Please click on "Bouncing Particles Model" in order to be redirected to the model's webpage. This model was created with help from one of the instructors, Aaron, who led me and my fellow apprentices through a multi step multi meeting mini project that helped me learn how to make a model with multiple particles that bounce while following the plan and story of the model. This model inspired me and my group partner, Anna's, COVID-19 Transfer Model due to the simulation of particles moving.

Autobiographical Programming Sketch

Please click on "Autobiographical Programming Sketch" in order to be redirected to the Google Docs. The Autobiographical Programming Sketch is my autobiography pertaining to my past experiences with computer science in order to provide an insight on how far I have come from past experiences to the end of the Shodor program.

Computing Workbook for Parallel Computing

Please click on "Computing Workbook for Parallel Computing" in order to be redirected to the appropriate Google Doc. The Parallel Computing Workbook serviced as me and my fellow apprentices were learning parallel computing concepts. Activities included coin toss to help us image the power parallel computing can have in terms of how much work cane be done in a certain amount of time. Other activites include Domain Decompostion and Human Parallel Computer.