Engineers in Training 2002
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > Engineers in Training 2002

The following reports were written by members of Engineers in Training, Session A during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


I really liked doing the bridge activities.


The daredevil project was really fun.


Today was cool because we got to figure out about jumping cars off of ramps. This week has been really fun because I learned a whole lot about engineering and it was cool.


This week has been fun at the Shodor program. We have done a lot of stuff, and I learned a lot. I'm glad that I got in. I would recommend this program to anyone who likes computers, and has a strong interest in science.


Today I had a lot of fun running a car and a ball down a ramp. We had to figure out where the car/ball would land so we could put a sponge in that spot so the person in the car/ball doesn't die. I thought at first it wouldn't work but then it worked almost perfectly.