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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your World during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Today was awsome we played card games and did some stella modles plus we played sharks and minoes I t was sssoooo cooll we had an awsome time today and I hope we will do the same thing tomorow


Today we created beutiful population models using 
Stella Research.  We could do the same thing much 
easier with a program like Qbasic or a Mac 
programming language, but it would only give us text 
data.  With Stella we can see graphs of the data.

Stevan and Aaron

Today we worked on a population model in Stella.  
It was fun.  I like working in stella.  I'm sorry that 
I cracked the window I realy didn't mean to crack the 


Today we had a really fun time playing a card game 
and sharks a minnows.  It was really really fun.  We should 
do this more often it was really cool.!!!!!

Kati and Leon

Today was really, really, really, really, really, fun.  
We learned about what a frisby could model.  We played a 
population game with cards and made a Stella model of the US 
population.  Next we played another game called Predator Prey 
and learned why sometimes minos died out and why they didn't. 
I learned alot about population and models.


Today, we simulated population rates and predator-prey 
relationships. We used STELLA to map increases and decreases 
in population, adding in such variables as El Nino and even 
alien abductions. We played a variation of sharks and minnows 
in which we could observe predator-prey relationships. Also, 
we played a card game that was similar to Go Fish; we used it 
to watch population growth.

Andrew and Alan

Today we did we played a card game outside.  We split up into 
4 groups and played the game.  While inside Jonathen was putting 
names of some people on the board down the side and then he wrote 
numbers (123456...) on the side.  Then we came inside and he 
asked those people some questions.  Then we had break.  Then we 
did something really fun on STELLA.  When we went outside again 
we played  sharks and minnows.  We spent so long out there we 
didn't have time to something STELLA baised on sharks and minnows.  
Today was a vvveeeerrrrrryyyyyy fun day.  

Today was cool weird but cool I wish I could be here everyday of the 
summer. But I can't because I have to go to Michigan


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