These tools listed below are designed such that they can be used as stand-alone applications in analyzing or organizing numbers and data. They are a subset of the activities . All Interactivate activities are Java applets and as such require a java-capable browser.

The activities are arranged according to the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.

Number and Operation Concepts

Geometry and Measurement Concepts

Function and Algebra Concepts

Probability and Data Analysis Concepts

Each activity comes with supplementary What, How, and Why pages. These pages are accessed from the activity page. Each will open in a new window, when its button is pressed.

What: gives background on the activity;
How: gives instructions for the activity;
Why: gives curriculum context for the activity.

See WHAT'S NEW in Interactivate!

View suggested activities and corresponding lesson plans suggested for ELEMENTARY GRADES 3-5

Number and Operation Concepts

Activity: Description:
Converter Helps students to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
Sequencer Students learn about number patterns in sequences and recursions by specifying a starting number, multiplier and add-on.
Clock Arithmetic Students learn about modular arithmetic operations through working with various types of clocks. Parameters: Number of hours on the clock.
Clock Wise

Practice reading a clock.

Geometry and Measurement Concepts

Activity: Description:
TransmoGrapher2 An expanded version of TransmoGrapher which allows the user to specify coordinates of a shape and then transform it by reflection across any spcecified line and rotations about any specified point. Parameters: Polygon, x or y translation, line of reflection, angle of rotation, point of rotation.
Floor Tiles Students learn about tessellation on quadrilateral figures by dynamically changing the shape of the quadrilateral through dragging corners.
Tessellate! Students deform a triangle, rectangle or hexagon to form a polygon that tiles the plane. Corners of the polygons may be dragged, and corresponding edges of the polygons may be dragged. Parameters: Colors, starting polygon.
Surface Area & Volume Students manipulate dimensions of polyhedra, and watch how the surface area and volume change. Parameters: Type of polyhedron, length, width and height.
Flake Maker Students create their own fractals by specifying a "line deformation rule" and stepping through the generation of a geometric fractal. Parameters: Grid type, number of bending points on the line.
Fractured Pictures Students generate complicated geometric fractals by specifying startin g polygon and scale factor.

Function and Algebra Concepts

Activity: Description:
Slope Slider This activity allows the manipulation of a linear function of the form f(x)=mx+b and encourages the user to explore the relationship between slope and intercept in the cartesian coordinate system.
Function Flyer A more advanced version of Slope Slider, this activity allows the manipulation of the constants and coefficients in any function thereby encouraging the user to explore the effects on the graph of the function by changing those numbers.
Data Flyer Similar to Function Flyer, but with the capability of plotting data points as well as a function. Then you can tweak the function to fit the data.
Conic Flyer Similar to Function Flyer, but allows the manipulation of the constants and coefficients of all the types of conic section equations on a coordinate plane by changing those numbers using a slider bar.
Simple Plot Students can plot ordered pairs of numbers, either as a scatter plot or with the dots connected.
Recursion This activity graphs recursive functions of the form f(0)=C and defining f(n) based on f(n-1).
Ordered Simple Plot Another version of "Simple Plot" which allows the user to plot and connect ordered pairs in the order that they are input. This enables pictures to be drawn by connecting the pairs rather than having the computer connect them from left to right.
Graph Sketcher Students can create graphs of functions by entering formulas -- similar to a graphing calculator.
Graphit Students can graph functions and sets of ordered pairs on the same coordinate plane -- similar to a graphing calculator.

Statistics and Probability Concepts

Activity: Description:
Histogram Students can view histograms for either builtin or user-specified data, and experiment with how the size of the class intervals influences the perceptions. Parameters: Data sets, class sizes.
PieChart Students view piecharts. Parameters: Number of sectors, size of sector as a percent.
Circle Graph Enter data categories and the value of each category to create a circle graph. Similar to "Pie Chart" but the user can define the data set.
Bar Graph

Enter data to create a bar graph, then manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values.
Multi Bar Graph Enter data to create a double bar graph, then manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values.
Scatter Plot Similar to Simple Plot allowing the user to graph ordered pairs but also gives the ability to label x- and y- axes thus making the activity more appropriate for data sets and the resulting scatter plot.
Stem and Leaf Plotter Students view stem-and-leaf plots of their data, and then get to practice finding means, medians and modes. Parameters: Data.
Boxplot Students can create boxplots which DO use the median in calculating the interquartile ranges for either builtin or user-specified data as well as experiment with outliers.
Boxplot 2 Students can create boxplots which DO NOT use the median in calculating the interquartile ranges for either builtin or user-specified data as well as experiment with outliers.
Plop It! Students click to build dot plots of data and view how the mean, median, and mode change as numbers are added to the plot. Parameters: Range for observations.
Measures Students enter data and view the mean, median, variance and standard deviation of the data set. Parameters: Number of observations, range for observations, which statistics to view, identifiers for the data.
Stopwatch Functions just like a real stopwatch as well as recording set times, accurate to the nearest tenth of a second. Parameters: Count up from 0 or count down from a set time.
Spinner Students can create a game spinner with one to twelve uniform sectors to look at experimental and theoretical probabilities. Parameters: Number of sectors, number of trials.
Adjustable Spinner Students can create a game spinner with variable sized sectors to look at experimental and theoretical probabilities. Parameters: Sizes of sectors, number of sectors, number of trials.
Dice Table Students experiment with the outcome distribution for a roll of two dice by playing a dice throwing game. Parameters: Which player wins on which rolls.
Understanding Experimental
Experiment with experimental probability using a fixed size section spinner, a variable section spinner, 2 regular 6-sided number cubes or design your own number cubes. Appropriate for elementary grades.