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Rohan Kashyap's Shodor Portfolio

Project Portfolio

This is a collection of all the projects that I have worked on and created during my time at Shodor. Some of these projects may require the program VensimPLE to run, which is a free system modeling software. To download the software, please click here. Other projects are created in Excel. In order to run/view these projects, you will need a spreadsheet program. If you do not have one, I highly recommend you get Apache Open Office, which is completely free, rather than but Microsoft Office to use Excel. Open Office has a spreadsheet program, Calc, which can run Excel files and works in a similar fashion to it. To download Open Office, please click here.

Summer Block Three

  • Quality Assurance Document: This document notes all the criteria for my website to be complete and lists out any errors that orccured, along with ow they were resolved.
  • DB Input: This project uses PHP and MySQL to input values into a database.
  • DB Display: This project uses PHP and MySQL to display database values.
  • DB Table: This is the table for the database project.
  • MySQL Research Guide: This is my MySQL research guide I completed at the beginning of block three.

Summer Block Two

  • Calendar: This project uses PHP to create a calendar for any month. Create your own custom calendar or use a preset calendar for every month in 2018.
  • Coin Flipper: This project uses PHP flip a certain number of coins.
  • Coin Flipper (Rendered): This project uses PHP to render HTML from a coin flipping model.
  • Random Hex Code Generator: This project uses PHP to generate a random hexadecimal code and sets it as the background color.
  • First Name Word Swapper: This project uses PHP to take two words and swap their first letters.
  • Dice Roller: This project uses PHP to roll dice a certain number of times. Statistics about the dice are calculated and output.
  • Background Selector: This project uses PHP to change and save your preference of background color using cookies.
  • Dynamic Webpages: This project uses PHP to dynamically load HTML webpages.
  • XML Blog: This project uses PHP to load a blog written in XML into HTML.
  • Forms Demo: This project is an example page that demonstrates how to use HTML forms.
  • Resume: My personal resume.
  • Programming Syntax Guide: Guide that shows JS and PHP syntax for multiple useful functions.

Summer Block One



  • Basic Infection Model: This is a system infection model. REQUIRES VENSIM
  • Basic Rabbit Population Model: This is a system model of a rabbit population. REQUIRES VENSIM
  • Basic Predator-Prey (Rabbits & Wolves) Model: This is a system model that shows the relationship between rabbits and wolves. REQUIRES VENSIM
  • Diffusion Excel Model: This is an Excel model that shows the process of heat diffusing. To setup the model, click on one of the blue boxes and type 40, then hit enter. That box becomes a heater. To start the model, put a 1 in the 'start' box. Then, hold down Ctrl and = together. To reset the model, put a zero inside the start box and hit Ctrl and = once. To remove a heater, click on a blue box, copy the formula in the formula bar below the ribbon, click on the heater you want to be removed, and paste the formula in the formula bar, where it should says '40'.
  • Coin Flip Excel Model: This is an Excel model that simualtes a coin flip.
  • Dice & Spinner Excel Model: This is an Excel model that simulates a dice roll and a spinner being spun.
  • Dominant & Recessive Excel Model: This is an Excel model that shows heredity. A child of two parents will recieve some trait based on if its parents have dominant or recessive alleles for that trait.
  • Simple Population Excel Model: This is an Excel model that represents a basic population of rabbits. Ro is the old number of rabbits, and Rn is the new number of rabbits (per time step). B is birth rate, and comp represents the competition. Use the two scroll bars to manipulate the graph.
  • Office Ethics Project: This is a projects where a scenario is given and must be met using office proffesionalism.
  • HTML Research Guide: This is a research guide that explais the basic parts of HTML.
  • Disease Agent Cubes: This is an basic disease and infection model, but it is an agent model, so you can see the individual agents interacting.
  • Group Project 1: This is my Fall group project. My partner was Tyler, and we focused on a fungus that attacks ants and takes over their bodies.