• Fall Projects

    Scroll to see my modeling projects!

  • Dominant and Recessive & Cats and Dogs Excel Model

    This model shows people moving around the world with agents representing healthy and sick people. When a healthy person is next to a sick person, they have a 50% chance of becoming sick.

    Office Ethics Project

    In this project, there was a scenario in which I was in charge of a team that was unable to meet the deadlines assigned and I was tasked with writing a paragraph detailing how I would handle this situation using what I learned from the Ethics Lessons.

    Diffusion & Square Root Excel Model

    The Diffusion Model shows heat spreading using color indicators and the Square Root Model uses the inbuilt square root function to calculate the square root of a specified input.

    Durham Population Vensim Model

    This VensimPLE model uses different variables and constants to create graphs that show the population growth as new residents move into Durham.

    Healthy and Sick Agent Model

    This model shows people moving around the world with agents representing healthy and sick people. When a healthy person is next to a sick person, they have a 50% chance of becoming sick.

    Simple Population Excel Model

    Using the HAVE = HAD + CHANGE equation, this creates an Excel graph to model population growth.

    Money in Circulation

    Using statistics from the Federal Reserve Bank (such as the average income, average amount saved, and the number of bills created and destroyed each year), Libby and I created an Agent Cubes and a VensimPLE model to show how much money is in circulation.

    Rabbits With Competition Model

    This model uses a birth fraction that can be changed with a slider bar and a competition rate to determine the population growth of rabbits.

    Rabbits With Competition and Carrying Capacity

    This model includes both the competition and the carrying capacity of the rabbits' habitat, which is compared using a graph.

    Temperature Model

    This model shows temperature change over time by using an adjustable temperature change constant.

    Fermium-252 Model

    This model shows the amount of Fermium-252 left over time as it decreases