Dice Roll Database This is a modification of my Dice Statistics Project which I made during Block 2. Instead of displaying the results of the roll, I stored the information each user inputs into a database. Then, I outputted the information in a table.

Quality Assurance Document This document has all the errors I had to fix with my website. This includes grammar issues and misleading links.

MySQL Syntax Guide This is a Syntax Guide we had to complete while learning MySQL. It contains the syntax for different MySQL functions and what the result was when you enter that function in the query.

Bootstrap Website This is an example I made using a CSS library, Bootstrap. I didn't want to use it on my website, as I would rather code from scratch, so I made an example website as a part of my library research project.


Form Validation Demo This is a demo we did in class to learn form validation. We used form validation in all of our programs.

Dynamic Pages This is a dynamic website that Miguel taught us how to make.

Calendar This PHP program allows the user to select a month, and which day they wish the month to start on. After submitting their choices, a calendar is generated to display that month.

XML Blog This program uses an XML file which was rendered with PHP. A loop in PHP allows each blog entry to be displayed to the screen.

Background Selector This PHP program allows you to select a color from a drop down menu, which then changes the color of the background. If the user leaves the page, and then returns, the color remains the same as the last color selected.

Dice Statistics This PHP program lets you input the number of dice, and number of rolls and then displays the results in a table.

Dane Joe Name Switcher This PHP program allows you to input your name and swaps the first and last letters of your first and last name.

Random Hex Code Generator This was the second PHP project I made, but this was an individual assignment. The program randomly chooses 6 numbers or letters and generates a Hexcode. This hexcode is used to change the color of the background

Coin Flip Simulator This was the first project we made using PHP. The simulator flips a coin a certain number of times and then outputs the percent of heads and tails, as well as the total number of flips.

HTMl embedded in PHP This is an adaptation of the Coin Flip Simulator with HTMl embedded in the PHP.

PHP rendering HTML This is also an adaptation of the Coin Flip program where we used PHP to render HTML.


Responsive Web Design This was an example website we made from a tutorial. This was to teach us how to make a website that would work on a phone, tablet, and desktop.

7 Object Collage This is a collage I made, which consists of 7 objects. Each object uses a different Inkscape tool, which is how we learned to use Inkscape.

Cosmic Turtle Demo This is the Cosmic Turtle Demo that Ernie lead us through. We learned how to use the different aspects of Gimp, such as scale, rotate, shear, and cut.

My Gallery This has all of my Inkscape logos, as well as the pictures I scaled using Gimp.

Global Warming Modeling Project This is my Block 1 summer project about the effects of Carbon Dioxide on two different environments.


Parallel Computing Notebook This is a parallel computing notebook in which we explored and learned about different aspects of parallel computing

Forest Fire Model Project This is William and I's spring group project in which we modeled the spread of fire in a forest and the use of firefighters to put out the fire. We coded this program using JavaScript in a program called Atom. We created an Webpage to display this using HTML and CSS.


Life Cycle of a Fish This is Divya, Caroline, and I's fall project which models the life cycle of a fish. We modeled this in two ways. First we have a simple life cycle which we modeled in Vensim. Second we made a more complicated model using AgentCubes model which had more aspects including predators.

IterationExamples This excel model shows iteration in excel and how the it keeps repeating in a loop until it meets a certain condition. It also has a diffusion model.

Simple Population This model represents have=had+change through population.

Programming Concepts We used Programming Concepts to model slope and intercets.

Rabbits Model This model shows how Rabbits are being born and are dying using a birth fraction as well as a death fraction.

Change vs. Behavior This model shows how change affects behavior over time.

Healthy+Sick Extensions This is an extension of the previous model in which I added a recovery fraction, and the graph adds a recovered section.

Healthy+Sick Model This Vensim model shows how a healthy person gets sick, using a infection fraction and graphs the amount of healthy people v the amount of sick people.

Coin Flip Simulator This is an excel model which simulates a coin flip.

Disease Model This is a model which represents healthy people being infected by sick people in the world.

Thing 1 Agent Cubes Model This is a model of an agent moving randomly in a world. The agent represents a fly and the world is a room. In the room, there is also a window. If the fly is next to the window, it disappears, which represents the fly escaping the room through the window.

Ethics Essay This is an essay I wrote for a homework assignment Ron gave us. This essay talks about how to solve a certain scenario in the workplace.

This website was created by Ameya Rao. Special Thanks to Shodor Staff.