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Slider Bars: Controlling Constant-Valued Auxiliary Variables

Consider the model of the spread of disease. You have built the model, defined the input, run the model, and examined the data. But suppose that you to change the infection fraction. By exploring the effect of this change, you hope to match your system with some real world data. This can easily be done by adding a slider bar.


  • ICON Select the Input/Output Object button from the toolbar.
  • Click in the build window where you want to add the slider. A window like the one below will pop up.
  • Click on Constant and select the variable you wish to associate the slider with from the drop-down menu.
  • Specify the minimum, maximum, and increment value for the slider bar.
  • Click OK to finish.

Building a Slider Bar for the Infection Fraction

You should now see a new slider bar in your build window. The is currently inactive, and will remain so until SyntheSim mode is entered.

Slider Off Slider On




  • To operate a slider bar, click and drag the slider. The variable value will change according to the increment you specified when creating the slider.
  • You may also manually enter a value in the middle text box. Values entered this way may exceed the normal range the slider.
  • Settings for a slider can be changed later by clicking on that slider while the Input/Output Object button ICONis selected.

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Vensim PLE is a product of Ventana Systems, Inc.