forensics 2012
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > forensics 2012

The two main topics of today were blood spatter analysis and cryptography. The students learned how to calculate directionality and angle of incidence(angle at which blood landed) through exercises and class activities. They were given a piece of paper that had printed blood spatter and the students were to draw lines showing the approximate point of origin to calculate directionality and used the formula Arcsin(length/width) to calculate angle of impact which signifies the angles at which the blood spatters. After that, the group went to the "crime scene" to inspect the blood neatly spattered on a poster on a wall to draw conclusions about the murder and retrieved the coded note left on a desk in the "crime scene".

Playing a game involving sitting and standing up taught the workshop students about binary number system. There were five chairs next to each other that each of the students sat in. The person on the far right would stand up and tell all people to his right to sit down. That could represent counting in binary if the first chair is 2^0, second chair is 2^1, third chair is 2^2, etc. After that, Jenny taught about modulus (the remainder from dividing numbers) and cryptography. For the cryptography, the numbers 0-25 were assigned to the letters A-Z and then multiplied by a certain number then another integer was added. If the number was above 25, the modulus was taken. The new numbers were converted back into new strings. The group decoded the note found in the "crime scene". It read: "Take heed! These cookies are not sweet! A doctor's what you'll need, if these treats you eat."