Forensic Science 2004
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > Forensic Science 2004

Unfortunately, today is the last day of the Forensic Science Workshop. The class starts with Dr. Ebonee Farrow relating information as to what Solomon's blood tests reveal. Peanuts and nuts were found in his blood stream. Evidently, it was noted that Solomon became very ill. This news can be a vital source of evidence for the case. At this point, the kids go around and ask questions and collaborate with each other to find out what could be the cause of this.

When they return, they separate themselves into two groups, prosecution and defense. Then each group discusses what they will for them to do their part. Soon the court is in session.

It was concluded that no charges could be made against the possible suspects, because there was not enough evidence. Therefore, all witnesses and suspects were acquitted.

Evidently, all the kids really enjoyed the week and had a really good time. They seemed quite unhappy to leave. They all received certificates for their hard work earned this week. This now ends the Forensic Science Workshop for the year 2004.