Engineers in Training 2003
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > Engineers in Training 2003

The following reports were written by members of Engineers in Training during the fifth day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

Name: MSW

Comments: I liked the way that we useed the tubes to launch the marbles into the cups. I also liked how we used the computers to do the calculations for us.

Name: Caleb

Comments: We started by doing a project called daredevil Design we were going to do a project on parabola it was very fun that it was. I was working with some good students, Kendrick was very helpful It was very cool.

Name: Claire

Comments: Today is my last day at Shodor. Today we made ramps and lanched marbles off them. we had to get a marble in a cup with out trial and error. It was hard but fun. This whole week was fun. I like Garrett is fun he knows what he is taking about and he has good projects.

Name: Kala

Comments: Today in "Engineers In Training" we learned about speed, velocity, height, and deltas while making ramps for marbles. In the end after collecting data we planned where the marble would land and saw if our hypothesis were right. It was a little bit boring but it taught us important concepts. Today is also our last day. I really enjojyed this camp. I would advise it for people who like science.

Name: Stuart

Comments: today and this week we expllored engineering mostly trial and error. we had contests and challanges, we used the computer in simulations of the engineering stuff.

Name: Will

Comments: I am very disapiontied becase to day is my last day and going to miss all of the simulations we did all week long.

Name: Kendrick

Comments: today the activity with the marble and ramp was the best activity we have done. i really loved it . it was great. i loved this week.