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Dec 3, 2005

The workshop began with Patricia explaining the concept of an Agent without the use of a computer. (Lecture time). This was followed by a demonstration of an Agent Sheet on a computer, and the various basic operating procedures of Agent Sheets. (Opening Agent Sheets, etc). Patricia explained to the students, and with the use of examples how to create images in a gallery, using both pre-made images and user-created images. She then built and example world model of an environment, incorporating sick, and healthy people.

Patricia then outlined the concept of adding behavior verbally, without the use of a computer aid. She continued to lecture on creating control structures (if then else, etc). This topic was applied to model design without computer aid. (pseudo code - If healthy meets sick, healthy gets sick, etc.)


Patricia began after the break, where she had left off, and applied the behavior pseudo code to an Agent Sheets model. She then ran the model to see visual representation of model evolution over time, without graphs or property indicators. She instructed the students to examine various properties of the model, and and to summarize an agent and graph of agent quantity over time. The students were then encourage to write a journal entry about the workshop on Moodle.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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