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Forensic Science, Summer 2000
Pictures of Day 4

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Students began taking interveiws today after the disovery that Monte's laptop was missing. This case will be solved by our expert team of forensic scientists.

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Amber, Treasure, and Sophie work together to find information that will help move the investigation along quickly. These young ladies are crime scene investigators and attorneys for the case.

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Chris, who participated in the investigation, sits down at the computer to take careful notes of what he has uncovered so far.

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Meanwhile, Phillip continues the questioning with Christina and Monte.

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Devin and Sophie are diligent in their search for information on defending the client that they will later be assigned in the case.

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Phillip takes charge and informs the group of scientists what has been uncovered during his initial round of questioning.

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Chris searches Monte's laptop bag in case some crucial evidence has been overlooked.

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Phillip carefully questions Robbye, who tries her best to talk him in circles and not give up any pertinent information.

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