
Hello, my name is Tess Siggins.


I am fourteen years old, and I am a homeschooler.   I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and came to North Carolina in 2008.    I have three younger brothers, an older sister, and a younger sister.     I like to read, learn new things, and ask questions.   My favorite subjects in school are science and ancient history, and my favorite field of science would be either astronomy or physics.   Herodotus is my favorite person in Ancient History, because his Histories are unbeliveably cool. As you can see, I like llamas. I think they are very interesting, and they are also extremely useful. Another thing I really like is Star Trek. My favorites are Wrath of Khan, the new movie that came out in 2009, and The Original Series.

This website was created by Tess Siggins.  Special thanks to Shodor staff.