
My name is Sunjeev Gururangan and I am currently an apprentice at Shodor. I am fourteen years old and I live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I attend East Chapel Hill High School and I am a freshman there. Currently, I am an apprentice at Shodor, a national resource for computational education in Durham, NC. I am excited to be in the Shodor Apprenticeship Program because I enjoy computer programming and web design and I would like to learn more computer languages so that I can be proficient programmer. I love working with computers and I hope to develop a mastery of as I keep working on it. So far, I have learned HTML,CSS, some JavaScript,and I have integrated some PHP in this website. I am looking forward to later in the year when we start to learn how to use languages like Python, PHP, and JavaScript so that I can become efficient with them. My favorite sports include tennis, and basketball. I am currently taking five honors classes this year, which are Math, Biology, English, Spanish, and World History.I enjoy playing percussion and as a result, I am first chair in my school's concert band. I have won a gold medal in Science olympiad for my bottle rocket engineering. I am currently in my school's Model UN club and am attending a conference in February. So far, I like working at Shodor because it requires logical think as well as creativity. I like Shodor also because it is like going to a job but learning and being paid for it, which is always good. I am participating in Shodor for the experience and to gain knowledge about computational sciences. I would like to go to a very good college when I graduate from highschool and Shodor will also look very good on my college resumes.