Summer Block 3

Last Day of Shodor - The Final Touches

Day 10: August 17, 2018

Today I did some final touches and I finally completed my Database Project. In the morning, I made sure that my database worked and all the information entered in the forms, went in the database and showed up in the other web page. In addition, I had my mentor meeting with Mr. Aaron, which was pretty cool. After, I embedded my DB project in my website and did HTML validation. Finally, I updated my Quality Assurance Document and started preparing for my presentation. I pulled up all the tabs I needed for my presentation, on my computer, and started "presenting" in my head. Soon it was presentation time and I presented in front of everyone. It was not actually that bad. I'm glad that I came to Shodor, met all these wonderful people (my mentor, my fellow apprentices, other mentors, interns, and more)! Being a Shodor Apprentice was a very fun experience!

Second to Last Day of Shodor

Day 9: August 16, 2018

Today I continued to work on my DB Dice Roll project. I'm almost done with it, but I just need to add some finishing touches. Also, I added my current CSS website design to my XML project. Mr. Ernie helped me by giving me some information on how I can use a foreach loop to display my XML blog data, put it in a string, and just add the the regular HTML to the bottom, which contains the CSS. It took me a while to figure out how to do it, but after messing around and trying to figure it out, I finally was able to do it! Now my XML Blog is also embedded in my website! Last of all, I also made my Quality Assurance document, which contains all the information I need to know to make my website awesome and user friendly.

Embedding my Projects to my Website and More Validating

Day 8: August 15, 2018

Today I had morning reception. Like normal, I greeted people who entered the building and answered phone calls. However this time there was a cool computer that I could use, to do my work. At the reception desk, I started to embed my projects into my website. In the process, I had to do lots of validations, and more. Also, I made sure that the links a the top of all the projects worked, meaning that if you clicked the home link, it would take you to the home page, if you click the blog page, it would take you to the blog page, etc. After reception, in the Apprentice Lab, I continued to work on my projects. I finally was able to make the Random Hex Code work, and not use inline! It took me some time before I was able to do it. In addition, I was having some trouble validating the HTML for two of my library projects, so I made two more library projects. They are the Font Awesome Icons Demo, and the jQuery Fade In Method Demo. Today was a productive and fun day!

Adding More Projects to My Website, Validations, Library Research Project, and More!

Day 7: August 14, 2018

Today I validated and added more projects to my website. In addition, I started my library research project. I researched about Bootstrap, a CSS library, and many different JS libraries, like Angular JS and jQuery. Doing these projects helped me to learn more about each library, which was really cool. Also I was able to create an amazing website with Bootstrap. With jQuery, I was able to do cool things, like hide and show information, and chain methods and actions, to make words change colors, and move up and down! In addition, I was able to use Angular JS to make a select box, and resolve an expression and return a result. After doing my library research project, I continued to figure out how to connect the information from my form to the database, for my DB Dice project. I also searched for ways my forms could be more secure and validate the information entered.

Final Website Redesign, Adding Projects to the Web, Validating, and More DB Dice Roll

Day 6: August 13, 2018

Today I did my final website redesign. I copied my code that I made for my website from newdev, and actually implemented the new design! It took some time adding the information from my old website to the new one, but it was really worth it. Now my website looks even cooler! Also, I validated more projects and added them to my website. In addition, I copied my new Dice Statistics code and put it in my DB Roll code.

No Shodor Today

Day 5: August 10, 2018

Today we didn't have to go to Shodor, due to the water blockage problem. Instead I worked on my new website, finishing my Dice Statistics Project, and much more at home. I also got the opportunity to go to SAS to watch the SAS interns presentations, which was really cool!

Dice Statistics and My DB Dice Project

Day 4: August 9, 2018

Today I worked on my dice statistics model. Mr. Ernie helped me to connect the data that users inputted to my probability chart. Also, I started my DB Dice Roll Project today. I did the forms part of the DB project, which allows people/users to input information. In addition, I connected my MySQL Database to the forms! Afterwards, we got to watch the SSP Presentations, which was really fun!

Morning Reception and the Completion of my Syntax Guide and ER Diagram

Day 3: August 8, 2018

Today I had morning reception, which was fun like usual. I got a couple of phone calls from random people and I also worked on my MySQL Syntax Guide. After working on the Syntax Guide all morning I finally finished typing all the information in. All I had to do left was implement the code in Sequel Pro. After lunch, I started to implement the code. I got multiple errors at first, so I had to keep researching on how to fix those errors. Also, after lots of debugging I finally finished the Syntax Guide! In addition, today I finalized my ER Diagram, and emailed it to Ernie. After doing that, I started typing some code relating to the ER Diagram, this allowed me to add the other tables (the cfColor and cfShoe tables), in the database.

ER Diagrams and Dice Statistics

Day 2: August 7, 2018

Today I listened to the ER Diagrams video. I learned more about relational databases, and how there can be one to one relationships, and one to many relationships. It took me a while before I actually understood when I should use one over the other. When researching about those types of relationships, it said that a one to one relationship refers to a relationship between two entities, which one element of an entity can only be linked to the other element of the other entity. For example, countries and capital cities is a one to one relationship, because a country only has one capital city. Also, one to many relationships have one record in a table associated with one or more records in another table. An example of a one to many relationship is each customer can have many sale orders. In addition I learned that ER Diagrams are graphical representations of data that depict a relationship between things, like people, places, events, objects, and concepts.

Today I also worked on my dice statistics project. Keith helped me understand how to make a for loop to count the frequencies of each number rolled, and implement it in my model. Only thing left is I need to figure out how to connect the information to my probability chart.


Day 1: August 6, 2018

Today I listened to the videos about databases. I learned that databases store information, and in other words are containers for data. They are great for archiving information, storing large quantities of data, and they are also used to do data analysis. Some types of databases are operational, relational, distributed, column-oriented, and much more! In addition, I learned that Shodor uses a relational database. Also, I learned about the different field data types. Some field data types are varchar, tinytext, blob, and much more. With what we learned about databases from the powerpoint, we expanded our knowledge about them, by filling another syntax guide which helped me to learn more about MySQL.

After lunch, I had afternoon reception, which was interesting. I received four phone calls, which is so far the most phone calls I received in reception so far! Reception today was a bit tricky, but also, it was fun!

Summer Block 2

My XML Blog

Day 10: August 3, 2018

Today I was not able to come to Shodor as stated before. In Washington DC though, I worked on my XML Blog. It is almost done, it just needs some more finalizing!

The Background Selector

Day 9: August 2, 2018

Today I was not able to come to Shodor due to my brother getting accepted in the CIA camp in Washington DC and VA. Although I was not able to physically be there, in Washington DC, I worked on my background selector, which now actually works! It is so cool, because you just have to pick one of the colors in the drop-down menu, and the screen turns to that color.

Mock Interviews, Validations, and the Background Selector

Day 8: August 1, 2018

Today we had mock interviews! To prepare for my interview, this morning I reviewed my notes and continued to research about my interviewer, Ms. Jennifer, and about Shodor. In addition, before the interview, I felt a little nervous, but afterwards, I felt the interview was not as bad as I thought it would be! I actually kind of enjoyed the mock interview, because I was able to use some amazing tips and tricks, in which Ms. Jennifer taught us yesterday. After my mock interview, I continued to work on my other projects. I tried to validate some of my projects, and I also started working on the Background Selector. I added the forms part to it, and I researched how to do the drop-down list, which I still need to incorporate, and find how I can connect it to my php code, to help project the different background colors to the computer screen.

Morning Reception, Validation, and Interviewing Tips and Tricks Lecture

Day 7: July 31, 2018

This morning I had morning reception! It was really fun answering peoples calls and greeting SSP students, my fellow apprentices, mentors, and interns as they entered the building. During morning reception, I also tried looking over Krista's Projects Number 2. To prepare myself for the projects, I researched some key information/synax that was needed to complete the projects.

Later on, after morning reception, I edited my dynamic website, and I also made some changes to the forms project. To the second form, I added the max and min to the form, which made the form more accurate in the way that the people entering information into the form could only input numbers between the limits. For example, in this forms case, the form was asking for "your favorite number between 100-200". This is why in this case it would be good to include the max and min property.

Last of all, to end the day, we had a very cool lecture about interviewing tips and tricks. Ms. Jennifer went over how we should prepare for interviews, what we should wear to an interview, what we should bring, what not to bring, and much more. It was nice to learn more about these interviewing tips, so we could put them to use. This lecture was perfect timing for our mock interview tomorrow!!

Dynamic Web Pages and Krista's Projects

Day 6: July 30, 2018

Today, I watched the Dynamic Web Pages Video and I continued to work on Krista's Projects. In the Dynamic Web Pages Video, I learned more about associative arrays and foreach loops. I learned that in associative arrays, the left hand side of the code are the keys and the right hand side contains the values they store. Also, I learned that the foreach loop indexes through the array and gets the values out of the array. The foreach loop keeps on going until there are no more indexes left. In addition, I worked on Krista's Projects. I added on to my Dice Statistics Model, by inserting a form, which allows the users to type information into the model. Also, I connected the "form", to the model, so it could take the information: number of dice and rolls, and use it to make a "table" containing the sum and the numbers the dice rolled. I also started working on the Dane Joe project. I added the form aspect to the project, like stated before, which allows users to input data.

Testing the Concepts of the Syntax Guide and Rendering HTML with PHP

Day 5: July 27, 2018

Today, I finally finished testing the concepts of the Syntax Guide! This was a big rejoicing moment for me. Afterwards, I watched the three videos about rendering HTML with PHP. In the first video, we went over what embedded PHP was and what Rendered HTML with PHP was. Embedded PHP uses PHP on the top with lots of HTML afterwards. It has little parts of PHP throughout the whole document, mixed in with the HTML. We learned that rendering HTML with PHP has the PHP write the HTML and content. After, it delivers it to the user. This is cool, because the HTML for the websites don't exist until the user requests them. We also added on to the previous coin model we made, which was cool!

Electricity and Circuits and Afternoon Reception!

Day 4: July 26, 2018

Today, we had an amazing lecture about electricity and circuits. We learned that if you put something in, something always goes out. Mr. Ron demonstrated this to us using pipes and marbles. He asked us if you push one marble on one side, what will happen on the other side. We answered by saying that a marble would fall out, on the other side of the pipe. After asking many questions about that, we realized that like the pipe and marbles, as stated before, if you put something in, something will come out. They also compared a waterwheel to a circuit. We went over how each part of the waterwheel resembled something else as a circuit. For example, the landscape of the waterwheel resembled the breadboard for the circuit, the hill was the battery, the pipes were the wires, and the waterwheel was whatever we were giving power to. We also talked more about circuits and about voltage, power, and more! Finally, we started building a circuit. It was a really cool experience to be able to make and learn about circuits. We also used this really cool tool online, called Falstad Circuits, which helped us visualize how our circuits should look like.

Later on, after lunch, I had afternoon reception. It was cool like always! I got two phone calls, which was awesome! During reception, I continued to add on to my projects. Today was fun!

My Programming Concepts Syntax Guide, Coin Flip, and Forms

Day 3: July 25, 2018

Today, I continued to work on my Programming Concepts Syntax Guide. I added more code in my testing files, and kept checking the web to see if there were any errors or not. In addition, I listened to the Coin Flip Video and I followed along with the lesson. At the end I made a coin flipping model, which tracks the number of heads, tails, the total number of heads and tails, and the percent of coin flips (heads and tails). Also, I watched the Forms Validation Video. I learned about the GET and POST method, and how there are differences between them. For example, the GET method shows all the data inputted, while the POST method does not display the data to the world!

Continuation of My Programming Concepts Syntax Guide

Day 2: July 24, 2018

Today, I continued to work on my Programming Concepts Syntax Guide. I researched about the different concepts and added more information to it. Also, I started actually inputting the code into the index.php and some in my index.html. In the process of researching about these two different languages, I found out that there are some differences and similarities about both languages. Today was fun!

PHP and Java Script

Day 1: July 23, 2018

Today, was my first day of Block 2. I watched all three videos for Day One of Block Two. Also, as I watched the videos, I took some notes in my notebook and I followed along with the videos. In one of the videos, we made a new folder, which was private, unlike our public_html. This folder could only be opened with our credentials. We also reviewed some programming concepts and other vocabulary, what JavaScript was, and much more. In addition, I learned more about PHP and JavaScript. I added new folders and files to our newdev folder and typed some code in them. Lastly, I continued working on my Programming Concepts Syntax Guide.

Summer Block 1

AgentCubes and Modeling Website

Day 10: June 29, 2018

Today, I worked on my AgentCubes Model and my website for my models. I added some updated screenshots to my website. I also edited and read through my website. In addition, I worked on my agent model. I am almost finished with it, but I still need to add some final touches to it. In my model I added many different simulation properties, which makes it easier for the user to interact with it. I also tried to make the model more realistic by researching more on jellyfish reproduction and more. After, I did my best to implement it in my model.

Doing the Final Touches to My Web Design HLD and AgentCubes

Day 9: June 28, 2018

Today, I worked on my mock web design image for my Web Design HLD. I used Inkscape to decorate and design it. It was fun to make it, but it took some time to create it. I also added on to my directory in my HLD, and finally got it approved, which was so cool! I also worked on my Agent Model, which still needs some final touches. In addition, today, I got the opportunity to do reception. At first, I didn't like the idea of doing it, but afterwards I learned that it is actually really fun to do! It was especially fun when Mr. Aaron kept on calling me and I was supposed to answer the call in the right way. Today was really fun!

Making Logo Web Banners, Adjusting my AgentCubes Model and Model Website

Day 8: June 27, 2018

Today, I continued to make my logo web banners, scaling and cropping my logos to adjust it to a web banner size. To do this, I used both Inkscape and Gimp. I would use Inkscape, to make sure to in Gimp, my logos would not lose resolution. In Gimp, I did all the final scaling and cropping. Today, I also edited my model website to be based on my terrible template. The tricky part about that was linking my portfolio's home, blog, portfolio, and Shodor page to it. In addition, I continued working on my AgentCubes Model. I changed some factors which contributed to my model, but my model still needs some work.

Inkscape Scaling, Cosmic Turtle Collage, and My Photo Collage

Day 7: June 26, 2018

Today, I used Gimp to scale some of my Inkscape logos and 7 image collage, that I made yesterday. Scaling the 7 image collage was tricky, but Mr. Ernie helped me figure out the problem and how to address it. After scaling the 7 image collage, I continued to scale another logo. Today, I also watched the Gimp Demo Video, so I could complete the Cosmic Turtle Collage, as well as my own version of a collage. Making the collages was a very fun experience. It was really cool that I was able to apply the skills I learned from the Gimp Scaling Projects to these collages and logos, that I made.

Inkscape Logos and Website

Day 6: June 25, 2018

Today, I worked on my Inkscape logos. I designed and drew logos of different kinds, from abstract, to names, to initials. It was fun to do it, but lots of hard work as well. I used to tools to add flavor to the logos I made. I also worked on the website, which contains these wonderful logos. In addition, in the middle of the day, I edited my HLD, to match the requirements. Today was a fun, but also a very tiring day.

Working on my Sea Life Models Website, Vensim Model, AgentCubes, and Web Design Website

Day 5: June 22, 2018

In the morning, I finished my Vensim Model. I inserted the equations for the agents and factors affecting it. I also, added a graph to the model, which showed how the two populations affected each other. In addition, I added the SCENT feature to my model. Mr. Ernie taught us that this feature allows an agent to track or hunt another agent. I also typed my HLD for my web design website, and I started making a plan in my notebook for some options for a final product website.

Inkscape, HLD website, and start of Webdesign Website

Day 4: June 21, 2018

Today, I continued to work on my HLD website and my Inkscape collage. First, I added some pictures to my HLD website, and linked it to the css. I also started working on my favicons for my webdesign website. I hand drew using the Inkscape tools, my name, with some flower shapes in the background. Also, I started working on my other favicon and used the edit nodes path button to give the text an unusual design. In the afternoon, I mostly worked on my webdesign website. I watched the website tutorial and followed along, by typing the information in Text Wrangler.

Inkscape, HLD, and Gimp

Day 3: June 20, 2018

Today, I continued to work on my HLD project. I made some final touches to the HLD, and started to work on the AgentCubes for that project. I also did the Vensim and attached a picture to the HLD. After, I continued to work on Gimp and cropped some images, and added them to my website. In addition, today, Ernie taught us how to use Inkscape. He told us that Inkscape is a type of Vector graphic, or something that uses lines or curves to form polygons, and other shapes. We learned how to use the tools provided in Inkscape to make an awesome creation.

HLD and Gimp

Day 2: June 19, 2018

Today, I started my HLD project. I planned in my notebook, and in Google Docs. I also wrote stories about my model about sea turtles, and jellyfish. Also, I read through the Gimp tutorial and tried to start it. In addition, I did my best to fix and correct all the comments.


Day 1: June 19, 2018 (Make up for June 18)

I was not able to come to Shodor, due to a conflict with meeting a relative that traveled from the Philippines to South Carolina. I made sure to catch up, by watching the video from Day 1, and I started planning and working on my HLD.


Parallel Computing, Parts of a Computer, and Supercomputers

Day 18: April 21, 2018

Today, we learned about multiple parts of the computer. Some of the parts are the CPU, heat sink, RAM, ROM, hard drive, network, GPU, power source, and more. We also learned more about the supercomputers, LittleFe and Blue Waters. These supercomputers have both pros and cons to using them. For example, using Blue Waters may be better, because it might be more powerful, and have more resources. LittleFe may be better to use, because with LittleFe there are less restrictions. We also used bccd (Bootable Cluster CD), to do some parallel computing.

Parallel Computing Continued

Day 17: April 14, 2018

Today, we learned about how the number of dependencies contribute to how much communication is needed. For example, if there are less dependencies, then less communication is needed. Also, we learned about algorithms. They are sets of operations/instructions, that computers follow. They are like recipes. Also, I learned that they have to be very detailed and specific. We also learned that nature is also parallel. For example, trees grow at the same time. In addition, we learned that not everything is a model can be parallel and some must be done in a series.

Group Project Number Two Presentations and Parallel Computing

Day 16: April 7, 2018

Today, we presented our projects. After everyone presented, we all got feedback from Levi and the other officers about our projects. In addition, after all the presentations, Aaron gave us an introduction to parallel computing. We learned that different devices have different numbers of cores. For example, a dual-core has two cores, while a quad-core has four separate processors. Also, we learned that having more cores is very useful, because it makes it so that the chips don't melt. In addition, the cores work together. In addition, we learned that serial workers are less productive than parallel workers. We saw this in the model of coin flippings of the serial and parallel workers. We learned a lot today!

Working on Group Project Number Two

Day 15: March 17, 2018

Today, we continued to work on our group project. We worked on our Agent Cubes Model and tried to finalize everything. Mr. Aaron and Mr. Ernie helped us by answering our questions, which helped us make our model even better. They helped us understand how to solve problems, like making fire fighters only disappear when there are no more burning trees, and making burning trees, which turn to healthy trees, then back again to burning trees, only change to healthy and stay healthy, unless they are beside another burning tree. In this situation, they told us that we need to set burn to zero, so that the healthy tree won't turn to a burning tree right after it just turned healthy, even when it is not next to another burning tree. Mr. Aaron and Mr. Ernie helped us a lot in our projects, and we learned a lot from doing these projects. We learned a lot today on how to fix certain problems, and improve our models.

Continuation of Group Project Number Two

Day 14: March 10, 2018

Today, we continued to work on our group project number two. We planned our if/then statements, and we started working on how to solve the nearest neighbors problem. Mr. Aaron helped us understand how to solve this problem, and he said that we need two methods, a check method and a change method. In those methods, there are rules. To make an agent only change the nearest neighbors for each time step, I learned that you had to write certain rules, in which let only the nearest neighbors change. In addition, after planning, we got approval from Mr. Aaron, and we started implementing our plan in our burning forest model, for agent cubes.

Group Project Number Two

Day 13: March 3, 2018

Today, we started our group project number two. We first picked our partners for the project, then we read over our group project requirements. After, we started our project. We followed the process of planning first, then getting approval, then implementing. Kaylene and I first wrote out our story and an extension for our "Burning Forest Model". After, we got approval from Mr. Aaron. Next, we made the agents and shapes for our model, and got approval again. After, we wrote our if/then rules, and got approval once again. Last of all, we did our reflections, and blogs.

Functions, Objects, and Libraries

Day 12: February 17, 2018

Today, we learned about functions, objects, and libraries. We learned that functions are blocks of code we can give names to. We also learned that libraries are sets of code people put together, so other people can use it. Also, Agent Cubes is graphical and has lots of clicking and dragging. In addition, we learned about refactoring which is changing how code is written, without changing how in behaves. We also learned about black boxes and white boxes. Black boxes behave a certain way, and we do not know how it works. In addition, we learned about the graphical interface or GUI, and how an example of a GUI is bouncing particles. We also learned that a repository is a place where you can get lots of code. We learned a lot today!

Project Euler and Solving Problems with Loops, Conditions, and Arrays

Day 11: February 10, 2018

Today, we extended our knowledge of operations, types, and types of operands. Also, we learned about Project Euler. We learned that in Project Euler, we solve problems computationally. When solving problems, first, we need to think in Pseudocode, then in regular code. If we were a computer what would we do to solve this? We learned that we have to think ourselves as human computers. We also learned about arrays, loops, and conditions. We learned that loops are very helpful, because you do not have to write many lines of code. In addition, we learned in Java Script, one equal sign means an assignment, and you have to use two equal signs to make something equal to something else. In addition, we learned that optimization is reducing the things we have to keep track of. We learned a lot today!

Programing Concepts

Day 10: February 3, 2018

Today, we learned about many programming concepts. We learned the three step process. In the three step process, you change/edit, save, and run the model. Also, we learned about many tools we need to program. Tools we need are code, the text editor, a computer, documentation, documentation, a programmer, a programming language, problem solve, and an end user. In addition, we learned lots of key terms, like syntax and semantics. Mr. Aaron also taught us about the data types, which are number, boolean, and string. Last of all, we learned about the operator, the operand, and the operation. We learned many different things today!


Working on the Project

Day 9: December 16, 2017

Today, we continued working on our website and our modeling projects. We added descriptions to our agent models, and more steps to our systems project (Vensim). We also learned more tips for presenting. We learned that it is not good to sway your body while you are presenting. Also, if you don't feel comfortable and you don't know what to do with your hands, you can just hold your hands together, behind your back. In addition, we learned that it is good to have graphs in both Agent Cubes and Vensim, so when you present, you can compare the graphs. Also, we learned that we should include sources in our project. It is important to include them, so we can back up our facts, and where we got our information, to support our projects. Another good tactic for presenting is to look at your audience. You should not just look at the board, but you should also make eye contact with your audience. In addition, we learned that we should project our voices when we present. We learned many things from the presentations.

The Continuation of Project Work

Day 8: December 9, 2017

Today, I continued working on my modeling projects. I added the equations to my systems model. Also, later in my next step, I added algae to my model. For my system model, I also added graphs to my models. In Agent Cubes, I made a model with fish, and fishermen in the sea. I made it so that when the fishermen touch the fish, the fish would disappear. In addition, I made some corrections to my website where the project material would go. Last of all, I did my reflections, and my blog.

The Two Frameworks, System Modeling, and Agent Modeling

Day 7: December 2, 2017

Today, Dr. Panoff taught us about the two frameworks. He told us that one of the frameworks was to peel the onion, and take away everything except what you need to start off with, then later put the layers back. He also, told us that "learning about the world is like onions". The second framework was that knowledge is like a pearl. The natural pearl starts with the oyster, then sand enters the oyster. After, the oyster gets irritated. It secretes and coats, secretes and coats, and repeats over and over again until it forms a pearl. In other words, it is like starting with a simple idea, then adding more to it, layer after layer. I also learned that the steps to modeling is to find what exists, then what acts, then what interacts. After, we started our group project. We first took notes about our projects, then proceeded with our project. First Caroline and I drew a plan of our systems model. After, we started planning for our agent model. At the same time, we started making our Agent Cubes model. Finally, we did our reflections, and blogs.

Three Views, Change & Behavior, Two Species population model, and Agent Cubes

Day 6: November 18, 2017

Today, Dr. Panoff taught us about the three views. He told us that they were approaches for learning. The three views are preview (expectation), view (observation), and review (reflection). He also taught us about change and behavior and how they can affect each other. We learned that there are four types, which are 0 change gives us a horizontal linear line, constant change which gives us a linear line, linear change, which gives us a quadratic, and proportional change, which gives us exponential. We also learned about two species population models. We learned that we first had to make the separate models, then connect the two. In addition, we learned that system modeling starts with change, while agent modeling starts with behavior. Dr. Panoff also, taught us how to use Agent Cubes to make agent models. We used the five steps to create the model. In addition, we learned that the story is very important in agent modeling and three important things to include in it are nouns, verbs, and adjectives. I really enjoyed using Agent Cubes to make agent models, and it was really cool to be able to actually see the healthy people turn sick as they interact with sick people.

Have=Had+Change and System Thinking Models

Day 5: November 11, 2017

Today, Dr. Panoff taught us about "have=had+change". He said that we can use this formula to model information. Also, he told us that the "had" and "have" are measurements, and "change" is important. It can either mean what you have goes up or what you have goes down. Dr. Panoff also told us about semantics. He said it is the meaning of symbols. We also learned about system thinking models. Four important parts of system models are variables, box variables, arrows, and the rate. We use these things to make models of different kinds. In addition, we learned that exponential growth is a result of proportional change.

Modeling, the IF statement, and Computational Thinking

Day 4: November 4, 2017

Today, Dr. Panoff taught us about modeling. He told us that there are different types of modeling, and that models are not unique. Also, models don't mean the same thing every time. Some of the different types of models are deterministic, stochastic, iterative, and much more. Also, in models, information goes in and out. For models, you have to pick the right tool for the right task. For example, in hand waving models, it is better to use hands, rather than your head. We also learned about sandboxes, and how you make stuff in it ,and all the stuff you make in the sandbox stays in the sandbox. In other words, it is isolated. Also, Dr. Panoff taught us that the if statement is important. Last of all, we used "=RAND()" to get random numbers for things. After, if we need more information, we need to hit "command =" to calculate the entire spread sheet again. In addition, we learned that nothing does not equal zero. Zero has value, while nothing doesn't.

Computational Thinking

Day 3: October 21, 2017

Today, Dr. Panoff taught us about computational thinking. We learned that if you change the representation, or "manipulate" it, it can change the meaning of it. Also, it can make it easier to understand. We learned about algorithm and that every word could have a meaning. In addition, there is more than one way to calculate something. Dr. Panoff taught us that information is just a noise. Last of all, we learned that breadcrumbs tell you how you got to a place. For example, the breadcrumb on the Interactivate website showed us how we got to the histogram or the multi-function data flyer.

Ethics and the Three Steps of Learning

Day 2: October 14, 2017

Today, Mr. Ron taught us about ethics. We learned that we have to dress for the occasion, be fragrant, we can't have relationships, no horse play allowed, we need to communicate well, and more. Also, from Dr. Panoff we learned about the acquisition of human knowledge. He taught us about expectation, observation, and reflection. We also learned that Excel's formating makes the numbers round up, so you have to put the equation in parentheses to get the true answer. Dr. Panoff taught us that Google is not trust worthy and that we have to ask ourselves "How do you know?". With this we have to check where Google got the information we see and explain why we believe it. He also told us about computational thinking and said that it can mean to access and retrieve information, not just computing information.

Learning More About the Shodor Apprenticeship Program

Day 1: October 13, 2017 (Make up for October 7)

Today, Aaron taught me more information about the Shodor Appprenticeship program. He took me on a tour around the Shodor building and showed me where all the staffs rooms, storage rooms, the breakroom, lunch room, and the fire extinguishers were. He also, taught me how to log into the computer and reset and change my password. Mr. Aaron showed me how to get to the Shodor website, Shodor Wiki, the page with all the projects and voice/ screen recordings.

To catch up for October the 7th, I listened to the recordings and completed the makeup work.
