My Portfolio


    Summer Projects

  • Dynamic Web Pages Demo
  • This projects uses the GET method, associative array functions and various flow control functions to create a dynamic, responsive web page that works perfectly on both desktop and mobile.

  • Letter Switcher
  • This project uses the GET method, array functions and string functions to switch the first letter and last letter of 2 words.

  • Random Hex Code Generator
  • I created a randomizing background using arrays of hex codes. I plan on doing much more with this, though probably only for my final website.

  • Coin Flip
  • I used for loops and number functions to create a coin flip demo. I also use variables to process the data and display it.

  • Programming Concepts Guide
  • I did a research guide on PHP & JS - how each works in the background, their syntax, various functions, and how to use them.

  • Inkscape Logos
  • I created several logos in Inkscape - the favicon I use for this site, 2 of my full name, 2 of my initials, and 2 abstract logos - and put them on a separate page.

    Spring Projects

  • Spring Project
  • Me & my partner Arjun created models of a forest fire with both an AgentCubes and a JavaScript model. We then made a website to present it.

  • Parallel Computing Workbook
  • This project covered the various activities we did regarding parallel programming. We looked at various models and did research on the use of parallel computing in the field, particularly supercomputing.

  • Portfolio Template
  • This project covered creating a website. This template was used for this website. I also created one without CSS - see here.

  • This project covered CSS. It went over the various selectors, enough to make a whole website usable rather than just having 1 webpage. It gave me a good review of CSS, as the last time I had worked with it was 2 years before the program.

  • Project Euler
  • This project was a program used to solve the first question of Project Euler - "Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000". It uses JavaScript for this, and logs the result in the console To see the result, right click the page, click "Inspect Element", and then go to console.

  • Bouncing Particles
  • This project is a model of bouncing particles, done in JavaScript. It covered a lot of JS, which was helpful for me, as the last time I did JS was a year before the program.

    Fall Projects

  • Fall Project - Fish Model
  • Me & my partner Om created models of a fish population with both Vensim for a system model and AgentCubes for agent modeling. We then made a website to present it.

  • AgentCubes Healthy-Sick Models
  • This is a link to my AgentCubes healthy-sick model. It is an agent model - it is dynamic with moving elements rather than looking purely at statistics and rules like system models. It models the spread of disease in a population.

  • Fall Vensim Models
  • This archive is a group of all the Vensim system models we created over the Fall session. We made models to represent rabbit populations, predator -prey relationships and the spread of disease.

  • Fall Excel Modeling
  • This archive is a group of many of the Excel models we created over the course of the fall session. We made models to simulate coinflips, the chance of a child inheriting a genetic disease, a colour spinner, and a model of diffusion over time.

  • HTML Research Guide
  • This project covered HTML. It went over the various basics of it, enough to build a full website (including this one!). It gave me a good review of HTML, as the last time I had worked with it was 2 years before this program.

  • Ethics Homework
  • This project was about office ethics. We were given a scenario of a workplace that is having issues with meeting a deadline due to various reasons, and, as a manager, on how to fix them.