
Welcome to my portfolio page. This is where I keep the projects that I have done.

My Old Workshop Website A website that I had created when I was taking the workshops here at Shodor before I became an apprentice. WARNING! It might give you massive headaches!

Water Cycle Model The model Gala and I did for one of our first apprentice projects.

Manipulated Ernie Photo A photo of Ernie that he had us pretty much destroy with anything that we could think of.

Examples The w3schools examples in HTML5, CSS, CSS3, and JavaScript that I did.

Cops and Robbers Model The model I had to do individually for one of my block 1 summer projects.

JavaScript Game - The Legend of Zelda: Simple Pixels A simple Zelda inspired game that I created while sitting in Jonathan's Javascript class. The quality and whether or not it really works depends on the browser and the OS that you are using. I'd advise using Safari or Firefox the most.

JavaScript Model - Coin Toss My final block project model dealing with probability.

SNAP2 Tutorial: CSS Loading Bars The CSS tutorial I had to write in the scenario of someone new to CSS who wanted to learn it.