Bees and Flowers

Agent Models

Required Software

To open these agent models, you will need to click on the link that corresponds with the stage.

Each model links to a page with three options: Play, Design, and Edit.

To start the model, select Play and the model will run. To stop the model, hit the back button on your web browser.

Model 1: Bees moving randomly and pollinating flowers.

While moving randomly in a flower garden, if a bee is next to a flower, with some a 44%, then the flower will become pollinated.

In this model, bees move randomly in the world. As they move randomly they will pollinate flowers.

Bees are represented as yellow squares. The world is represented by the garden-like terrain. The unpollinated flowers are the red roses while the pollinated flowers are the flower bushes.

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Model 2: Bees moving randomly and pollinating flowers with pesticides present.

While moving randomly in a flower garden, if a bee is next to a flower, with a 44% chance, then the flower will become pollinated. If the bee is next to a pesticide, there is a 100% chance that the bees will die.

Bees will move randomly in this model while the pesticides have a 100% chance of killing bees.

Bees are represented as yellow squares. Unpollinated flowers are the red roses and pollinated flowers are the flower bushes. The little gray bugs are the pesticides.

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Model 3: Bees moving randomly and pollinating flowers while the pesticides are moving randomly.

While moving randomly in a flower garden, if a bee is next to a flower, with a 44% chance, then the flower will become pollinated. If the bee is next to a pesticide that is moving randomly, then there is a 100% chance that the bees will die.

Bees are represented as yellow squares. Unpollinated flowers are the red roses and pollinated flowers are the flower bushes. The little gray bugs are the pesticides.

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