Ada's Portfolio

My Projects

PHP Projects

A project using a brute-force approach of finding the prime factors of a number. Since it is built to check using a list of prime numbers given to it, it is limited in scope (can only find prime factors between 2 and 59). This approach is inefficient, but works reliably.

A project that uses a more elegant method of finding factors of a number by methodically going through all numbers less than or equal to the number itself and listing all those that the number is divisible by. Made in collaboration with Avi Aggarwal.

A project using a structure similar to the above, but finding only prime factors.

A project using a structure similar to the above, but finding only prime factors. It also counts the number of prime factors and displays the count to the user.

A program whose goal is to find the base two (binary) equivalent for base ten numbers. WORK IN PROGRESS!