Albert He

Albert's Blog

Where's My Love - Piano Solo - SYML by Patricia Oliver Granell

Last Day!


Today was the last day of my Apprenticeship Program! We went through many presentations today including mine. I have learned so much from this program throughout the year and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to partake in it. Today was a great way to "wrap up" the program as I have learned so much and made many lasting relationships.

Previewing Presentations


I started off today by getting to work on the database project. Throughout the day, I created tables and touched up my database webpage a bit. I still have a few errors but everything else seems to be working. Since tommorow is the last day of my Apprentice program, I worked and planned out a presentation for tommorow consisting of five of my favorite projects.

Intern "Interviews"


Today was the day. Our mock interviews! I started out by printing our two copies of my resume for the interviewer. After that I jotted down some new ideas that had just came to mind and went over them in my mind. Aneesh and I even practiced interviewing each other to get a stance at where we are and some things that we would improve or touch up. Rohin was also there and helped give us tips on many different aspects of our descriptions and expressions. This was very helpful for later and I really appreciate him sharing his knowledge and experience. After lunch, it was my turn. I tried my best to stay calm and to be honest, I was feeling alright. My interviewer, Kristen, was very nice and delightful which definetely made me feel better. During the interview I used and practiced all of the techniques and strategies I had learned from Jennifer's great presentation as well as Rohin's detailed advice. Kristen and I had many great conversations and for this time around, I would say that it was a great start to the many interviews I am going to have. After the interview, I sent a thank you email for Kristen to thank her for her time and efforts towards conducting the interview.

Introduction to Interviews


Today I started out working on my database. I had a couple of errors in my PHP that were pretty annoying. However, after a lot of problem solving and focus, I fixed it without any problems. In the afternoon, Jennifer gave us a very detailed presentation on interview tips, tricks, and things to do and not do. It was very helpful and I learned lots about things I could improve on such as hand placement and handshakes during the interview. We were also informed about mock interviews tommorow to practice our learned skills!

Database Connected


Today, I got right off to work on my database project. I worked on connecting to my database and making sure that the information that the user enters in is securely transfered and stored in my database without any errors. In the afternoon, I had reception so I didn't get much work done on the database. Jim did cover reception for me for a while and in that time, I talked to Ernie on my progress with the projects as well as any other ones I need to complete. Overall, today seemed like a good start to the week!

Working Week


This week was a tough one. The database project had many ups and downs. There were many problems in between with many different things like the tables, the CSS, and the PHP. The orange errors are annoying! However, with the help of Ronith, Arjun, Seokyoung, Rohan, and Ernie, I was able to make lots of progress. Though overall, it was a great week that had lots of progress within it.

Finishing Forms


I mainly worked on the Database project today. I added forms to my page and then began to connect these forms to my database through PHP. I then added placeholders in my forms which is something that was very simple but very cool since I always wondered how many websites had this feature. It's always fun to learn new things!

Dicing Data


Today, we worked on our databases. I created the tables for my databases, added CSS to the database, and began to organize my thoughts. I had a few errors today with undefined variables and unexpected values, but Ernie helped me fix them which helped me a lot. I then had reception in the afternoon.

Database Demonstration


Today, we worked on starting our own projects that are supposed to be created to collect information about the visitor through forms. At first I wondered how this was eben possible dueThis is then connected to a database which stores the information that was submitted.

Starting SQL


Today was the beginning of the third block! We started off with a new SQL guide as well as an introduction to ER diagrams. We then used the rest of the day to work on some SQL tutorials and ER diagram practice.

On Wisconsin!


Today, I finished wrapping up my color selector project! It is centered around the theme of Wisconsin which is where I have lived for most of my life. I enjoyed this project a lot because I liked the fact of picking own colors schemes in the dropdown menu. I then had reception in the afternoon.

Rendering Reception


This morning was supposed to be an engineering day where Ron would teach us a little about the world of engineering. However, I had morning reception which meant that I would have to miss it. In the afternoon, I worked on a couple of Krista's Projects until it was time to go.

Jane or Dane?


Today was mainly a work day. I started off working on the random number generator. After that, I started to work on my Dane Joe project. I encountered many unknown areas for which I had to research a lot. However, I managed to finish it a little while after lunch. After the Dane Joe project, I got working on another one of Krista's projects. This one was called Dice Statistics. By the end of the day, I ended up getting mostly done with that project. However, I still need to finish it up soon so that I can continue working on some of Krista's other projects.

Dynamic Demonstration


Ernie started the day off with showing us how to create dynamic webpages with using a strong file structure. We also expanded on using different skils such as embedding and rendering the PHP and HTML. After that, we were reminded about Part 2 of Krista's Projects which involved many new topics. The rest of the day became a work day where I continued to work on some of Krista's projects.

Dynamic Demonstration


Today, we had a big demonstration that was lead by Ernie. He taught us how to use various PHP tools and tricks to create a dynamic website with multiple pages. We used tools like EOT and tables which helped to make web design more efficient and simple. We then continued working on some of Krista's projects.

Krista's Kolors


Today, We were fomally introduced to Krista's projects which we would complete by using PHP. There were about four of them and each of them requires thinking outside the box to find solutions to the task. I am very excited for the random hexacode generator baecause I feel as if it is really cool to be able to randomly create and backround color with just a few lines of code. I also added forms to my coin flip model which was not required but I thought was pretty cool.

Fantastic Forms


We left off of yesterday’s class with the continuation of Krista’s projects which dealt with PHP. A little bit later, Ernie introduced us to forms which can be used to submit secure information. We were walked through and example of three different types of forms that each used slightly different methods. We then got to test out a bunch of tricks that we wanted to to expand our imaginations.



We started off the day by creating another coin flip model! This model was created using many of the critical concepts of PHP such as loops, arrays, and variables. We were then assigned Krista's project which delt with displaying certain tasks on a webpage using PHP to code it. I started working on one of the tasks that involved creating a random hexadecimal color order that would change every time to display a different color on the screen every time. After lunch, Kristen came in to talk to us about proper resume writing. We were given many different examples of resumes and asked to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and special characteristics. After that, we started to fill out our own resumes to try it out and see what it was like.



This morning, I mainly worked on the PHP section of the syntax guide. I learned so much about the PHP functions and tools. There are so many different tools you can used from mathmatical operators, to a stripslashes function. I definetely saw some ties with javascript but I still think the two have their own advantages and disadvantages. I was mostly done with that section but then had reception so it was hard to finish off.

Starting the Second


It's the first day of second block. We started off with a review of many of the programming concepts that we learned earlier in the program. This consisted of a review in the Javascript functions and components as well as the fundamentals of it. In the afternoon, we worked on a programming concepts guide that focused on testing out lines of PHP and Javascript.

Go Logo


Today was the last day of the first block! I polished off all of my logos and display them all on my website. I then got started on my gimp demonstration but gimp had some issues so I did not get far. This week, I got my first dive into the world of graphic design and even though I have so much more to learn, a strong foundation was definetely built. Overall, this week was a great start to my Shodor summer program.

Responsive Ready


Today I go to work on starting the responsive web design tutorial. For this project, we used our previous skills on webdesign to learn and construct new, reponsive websites. We were walked through the CSS and HTML code for the wesite. This code contained lots of new content and code I had never heard of because of the responsive aspect of it., which was pretty cool to work with. I did not finish but I got most of it done!

Loving Logos


Today, I mainly kept working on the Inkscape projects. I mainly focused on the initials logos today which I work real hard on to try and create unique and creative shapes on with my initials. I was exploring through the tools in Inkscape today and found a very cool shape maker that can alter the aspects of a ceratain shape in a lot of different ways. I also had reception so I did not get a chance to work on it to much.

Inkscape Intro


Today was a workday so I came in and got to work on some logos using Inkscape. I started out with creating a name logo. While I was doing that, I started to realize that I was very interested in graphic design. For me, I felt as if I could let all of my creativity out to create and design whatever I wanted to. I just let loose and created all different kinds of logos that were unique to me. I worked on a few logos until it was time for lunch. In the middle of lunch, I had to go to my first O.D.A.A. which was afternoon reception. Aaron helped train me on how to work the phones and greet people. At first, the phone seemed a little confusing but I was excited to test it out. He gave me a few practice calls and after a couple, I felt pretty confident. Later in the day I receive three calls and handled them well. It was definitely an interesting day with many new tasks.



Today was my first day back to Shodor for the summer. It started out just like usually at 9:00 a.m. Not as many people were there compared to during the school year. I had a talk with Ernie after class got started and he told me an outline of the projects and assignments I would work on and complete during the summer. After that, I got started on watching all of the videos for the first and second day. I learned about how the summer would be structured, the requirements for the summer, and other important factors that would affect my summer. After watching the videos about O.D.A.A., I got started working. I brainstormed and planned out multiple different topics for my modeling project and then started working on watching the inkscape tutorial videos although I did not finish in the time I had today, I got a good start on the summer portion of the Apprentice Program and I can’t wait to come back tomorrow.

Parallel at It's Finest


I learned a lot about parallel computing and how it can be used. I also learned how to connect the computers in the office so that more cores could be used to be more productive. I am most proud of completing some interactive parallel computing using bccd. I am also proud of writing lines of code to utilize the cores of other computers to run certain tasks for my computer. I have heard about using the Blue Waters computer to perform task and I am planning to do more research on it. Aaron helped me the most by helping us catch up when our models were not running correctly. I helped Aneesh by working with him to fix a line of code.

Preparation For Parallel


I learn a lot about the concepts of parallel computing and how they are more efficient. We did multiple activities that helped to show what parallel computers do to help or society today. We also learned about Blue Waters which is a very advanced and fast supercomputer in the Midwest. I am most proud of completing all of the activities that we did today. I am hoping to learn more about the world's fastest computers and what they are used for. I am also excited to try parallel computing with the computers in the office. Aaron helped me the most by helping to point out a better format for my answer. Overall, I really enjoy parallel computing and I hope to learn much more about it next week!

Presentation Information


We started off with presentations right away today. It was very cool to see the variety of extensions that my peers had thought of. One extension was based around lightning and how that causes a forest fire to start. Another modeled the effect of tree saturation on a spreading fire. No matter what extension it was, every single presentation was unique and interesting to listen to. About a half and our before lunch, we finished with all of the presentations that planned to present today. A couple of the instructors gave some very helpful information and tips for future presentations and how to improve them to make them better. With the time we had left, we jumped into parallel computing and the very basic concept of it. With all of that information in mind, we headed of to lunch. At lunch, I met with Levi for our April Spring meeting. When we got back from lunch, we built off of the information we gathered before lunch about parallel computing by working with an operating system that allowed us to write lines of code to distribute proccessing power throughout the computers. I really enjoyed this part because we got to see real life parallel computing occur right before us. Overall, today was a great day where we got to experience some hands-on parallel computing.

Completion of the Agent


I learned more about how we will implement the Javascript project. I am most proud of working with my partner to complete the Agent Cubes model. I have heard about the new CSS tutorial which I am excited to work on. Aaron, Dr. Panoff, and Ronith helped me. Aaron and Dr. Panoff helped us take a look at a bug in Agent Cubes. Ronith and I collaborated on the project while helping each other. I helped Ronith by helping him with our project.

The Project


I learned more about planning and writing the outline and how it helps make the implementation easier today. I am most proud of figuring out how to fix the nearest neighbor problem in AgentCubes. I am hoping of learn more about the implementation of the Agent Cubes section. Rohan helped me by working with me to solve the problem. I helped Joseph by giving him tips on how to solve the problem.

The Project


Today, I have learned about our new spring project and what we will be doing in agent cubes and javascript to complete it. My partner and I started our plans in our notebooks which included our agent cube stories and outline. I am hoping to learn more about what implementing the agent cubes and javascript portion will be like. Aaron and Ernie helped me when our models were not working as planned. Aaron also helped approve our outlines. I helped Om today by helping him set up his counter.



I unfortunetely was not able to make class today. However, I did some learning at home and learned a lot about functions and how they work to make the code easier and cleaner to write and read. I am hoping to learn about more ways to make coding the most efficient it can be. I hope to make it to the office soon so I can get back on the same page.

The Life of a Programmer


Today's class extended off of some of the programming concepts we learned and acquired last week. These concepts were mostly in JavaScript which we will be using in future projects. We also learned more about the algorithms that can be used to solve equations and problems using a computer. Aaron helped me by explaining more in depth about the algorithms. I helped Om when he had some troubles with a model and I helped Ronith with showing him how to perform a function on the computer.

Taking a Break From Break


Today was our first day back from the break and we started off talking about JavaScript and how different lines of code perform certain functions or change the appearance of certain objects being displayed. Using these skills and concepts, I will much better off for when we do our future projects. I also learned and figuring out what some of the variables and algorithms mean. I am hoping to learn more about writing code and how to write code for websites. Joel also helped me with helping me display my Vensim models when they were not showing up. Overall, today was a good day for starting back up and introducing a new topic.

More Presentations


Today's class was a little different than usual. I arrived at Shodor at around eleven o'clock since we were allowed to come at 12:30 at the latest. I mainly just started on polishing up some components on my public html file.

Presentation Contemplation and Examination


Today's class was different than any class we have had before because of our project presentations! However, I started off the day editing the HTML for our project and attaching three Vensim models and three Agent Cubes models to our website. We worked very hard for a while until we finally got done adding the descriptions and stories for our models. We then started playing around with the CSS to add different colors. Trey wanted to add a background picture for the header but we couldn't get the background to show up how we wanted it to so we just added a picture. We tested our project with the projector to see if we needed to make any adjustments so that the display would look more clear. Not soon after, the presentations started! Trey and I chose to go first so we could start off strong. I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be when explain the overview and agent models but it was still kind of nerve-racking since it was the first presentation. In my opinion, the presentations went pretty smoothly for the first time presenting. I learned and got to witness a lot of great models from other groups which gave me a wider view of each topic. Levi and Aaron also informed all of the groups on multiple ways we could improve our projects to make them more informative and understandable.

After the presentation, a large group of people all rushed to the meeting room to get left over food from the party that occurred earlier. It was extremely appetizing!

Making Progress On Our Project


Today's class started one hour later than usual because of the unexpected weather concern. After I had got to Shodor, Trey and I got to work right away on our project. At the start, we worked together to get the Vensim model started. We had a little trouble with getting the graph to work but once we got that fixed, I started editing the HTML and CSS for our website that we would display our project in. Through that, I learned some more about some of the features of CSS and how it works to add colors and features to a website or web page. After I had edited some of the text, I created an Agent Cubes model and started figuring out the numbers on things like the total area our world was going to to be and how many males and females there will be. Trey and I then used those numbers to construct the first stage of our model which we finished by the end of the day. We also planned to work on our project at school and at home. Overall, today was a productive day and Trey and I worked very well as a team.

Select The Project


Today we learned a lot about our first project and how things would work. I was very excited to learn the details and to start planning for our models. Trey and I first started to work on our outline for the Vensim model which we used to then create the story for the Agent Cubes model which would represent the agents and factors in a simulated world. Overall, I believe that we set a great foundation for the coming weeks that we will be working on our project. With the quality support and ideas that we gave each other, we will be able to improve our project each week and in the end, complete it so that it may be able to help society in the real world.

Being An Agent


I accomplished and learned a lot of things today. We first started out talking more in depth about all different kinds of models like healthy and sick models, and how they change over time in different ways. Some models are linear, quadratic, exponential, or a different pattern of increasing or decreasing. Dr. Panoff also guided us on constructing another Vensim model on predator-prey relationships. We learned how to change parameters which made the data more reliable and accurate. We were also introduced to Agent Cubes today which models various situations that you create using agents that ususally move around. I am very glad that I have the opportunity to learn how to use these types of programs to create and construct models because it will definetely benifit me in the future.

Taking a Swim Through Vensim


We were introduced to a new modeling program called Vensim that helps us model real world situations that would otherwise be extrordinarily hard to collect data from. You can eaasily use a story or situation and model out a result using Vensim and adjusting the factors and data. This program is different from Excel which we used earlier today to model a rabbit population. Each of these programs have their strengths and weaknesses in different areas and they are all very important to learn. I am extremely excited that I am able to be at Shodor to be learning these skills that I would otherwise not learn until I progress into the future. I hope to be using these incredible resources and programs for future projects and activities.

Excel Day


Today we mainly worked on Excel. Dr. Panoff talked about how you can perform many different functions from calculating equations, to creating and representing models, and simulating real life situations. My favorite model was the model that simulated a room with heaters in it. We had to distribute the heaters evenly so that the temperature would be even in the room. I also had my first meeting with my mentor, Levi, today and he explained to me a lot of things from how meetings would go to what I should do if I ever need help. Overall today was a big step forward and it is nice to know that I have a helpful mentor that can help and support me.

Shell We Excell?


Each day, we learn more and more about a one or more certain topics. To start of the day, we went into computational thinking and Dr. Panoff talked about how we observe different things and ideas that lead us to think certain ways and find different information. During his presentation, Dr. Panoff had us all go onto Google Sheets where we each filled in how many Colleges and Universities there are in North Carolina and our reference that we found the data on. Since these references we from websites all over the internet, there were obviously a wide variety of answers that everybody got. In fact, only seven out of twenty three people had gotten what I had gotten. We also did the same thing except with finding the mass of the moon and there was also data from many different sites. From this activity I learned that you need to check for which websites are reliable to use and which ones you may need to research more on to see if the data that is provided is right. If you do not, then you could be way off in your calculations, models, or whatever it is that you are working on. Another thing thing that caught my attention was during our second break when Dr. Panoff came into the break room with a deck of cards and showed us a few card tricks. The thing is that he didn't actually say that they were card tricks. Instead he just said that they were algorithms and that they could never not work. I found the algorithms to be very interesting because there were so many different types of algorithms and each one works in its own way. In general, today was a fun day where I got to experience and inquire many different situations and ideas.

Being A Pro


Today, I learned about many things like how computers sometimes will interpret things differently depending on the situation. Ron also taught us about professional buisness ethics and how to be professional and appropriate at a workplace. He gave us examples of personal ethics like dressing neatly and appropriately, being pleasantly fragranced, being prompt, starting on time, not leaving early, contacting someone if you happen to be late, and not grumbling if others are late. Ron mentioned one idea that I thought was very important and that was that communication is very important. He gave ways to communicate effectively like using good voice tone, speaking gently without shouting, avoiding the use of gestures, keeping anger to a minimum, and using temperance. I believe that if I can do these things better, I will be more successful in the future. Overall, I am hoping to start my first project next week and learn new things!

First Day Of The Shodor Apprentice Program!


Today was my first day of the Shodor Apprentice Program and I was very excited about getting to set up all of my accounts and information including this blog. We set up our Shodor account, logged into our email accounts, and logged into the reflections page so we could write and keep track of our weekly reflections. I also learned more about what the apprentice program is like and how things are done at Shodor. Aaron gave us a detailed tour around the whole building and pointed out all of the important places we need to know about. Aaron and Ernie also lead a presentation on the sunshine, puppies, and kittens. That basically is talking about the rules, polices, and information that we need to know before we progress into the Apprentice Program. Towards the end we got our first assignment on the apprenticeship handbook guide which I worked on until it was close to being time to go. This class was a great start to the Apprenticeship program and I cannot wait until next week!