Web Design
Shodor > SUCCEED > Curriculum > Workshops > Web Design

Creating a Two-Column Layout

  • Introduce the two-column layout idea.
  • Explain divs then divide the current content into three divisions: header, links, content
  • Explain how to define divs in CSS. Each div will be assigned an identifier (id), and then we'll define that id in CSS. All id's are indicated by "#" in CSS. Give each of the three divs borders and backgrounds.
    	#header {
    	  border: 2px solid blue;
    	  background: orange; 
    	#links {
    	  border: 2px solid blue;
    	  background: orange; 
    	#content {
    	  border: 2px solid blue;
    	  background: orange; 
  • Introduce height/width width: 200px; . Give a specific width to the links div.
  • Float the links div to the right float: right; . (For this to work you must have a set width for links, not content, and links must go before content in HTML.)
  • Introduce padding padding: 20px; and margin margin: 20px; . Use diagram to help explain. Mention specifying left, right, top, bottom. Mention using margin margin: auto; to center.