Web Design
Shodor > SUCCEED > Curriculum > Workshops > Web Design

Introduce GIMP:

Open GIMP (dog or fox's head) image.

Explain interface - Pass out "GIMPtools.pdf" printout.

(All students should have their laptops closed. Demonstrate the functionalities of GIMP from a projected image. Make sure not to go too fast or the students will not catch it.)

Show toolbox:

  • Walk through each tool using the butterfly image.
    (You can choose to have the students follow or simply watch.)
  • You have to double click to select a tool on a mac
  • CTRL + Z: undo


    • Explain the concept of layers. Show that they are separate.
      (Resembles transparencies stacked on top of each other)
    • You can hide and show layers (by clicking the eye)
    • You can move layers above & below one another
    • You can duplicate, create, and rename layers
    • Allows you to take steps back in the history of your actions.
    • Demonstrate how you can click back or forward to a stage of your process.

Color palettes:

  • Explain the concept of RGB & Hexidecimal (both used in coding websites)
  • RGB