BWF Student Science Enrichment Program Directors


1999 Directors' Meeting / 2001 Directors' Meeting / 2002 Directors' Meeting

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund convened program directors of the Student Science Enrichment Program on Tuesday, January 12, 1999, at the Fearrington House in Pittsboro, North Carolina. Members of the Science Education Advisory Committee, BWF staff, and Board liaisons also attended.

Martha Peck, Vice President for Programs, welcomed the group, after which Carr Agyapong, Senior Program Officer for the Student Science Enrichment Program outlined the purpose of the meeting and its objectives. Each program director described their program and provided an overview of their program accomplishments for the past year. Open discussions of issues identified by program directors at last year's meeting were lead by the 1996 award recipients and assigned advisory committee members. John Burris, chair of the committee, served as moderator of this session. The following issues were discussed at the meeting. Included are the group's input and suggestions for "best practices."

Recruitment of Students

Facilitator: Charles Eilber, Advisory Committee

Concerns with recruiting students include identifying quality participants, particularly minorities, underrepresented, or home school students who may be eligible for programs but were not readily reached with current strategies; identifying quality advisors and staff members to guide these students in the hands-on activities developed for programs; and encouraging regular attendance by student participants. The following are practices identified:

Program Structure: Maximizing Hands-On Activities

Facilitator: Gail Morse, Advisory Committee

Concerns in this area involve securing new and challenging mentorship opportunities for students, involving mentors in science on a more regular basis, and determining how much lecturing is too much. Some suggestions that were generated include:

Program Sustainability

Facilitator: Shirley Malcom, Ph.D., Advisory Committee

Concerns in this area include identifying strategies for sustaining programs, finding sources for continuation of funds, expanding programs, expanding non-school activities into school-based integrated programs, and developing a continuum of learning for SSEP students from one program to another program. To sustain any program, it was noted that advertising is a critical factor in getting the word out to keep the number of participants up. Human advertisements by students who wear tee-shirts with a program's name has proven to be effective. Discussions generated the following ideas:

The afternoon session included a presentation on evaluation by Iris Weiss of Horizon Research. She provided a summary of data submitted by SSEP students and project directors. She stressed the follows:

She then provided a group evaluation exercise of a mock Student Science Enrichment project and had the group develop a plan for documenting the impact of the project on student: The sense of the group was that one needed to integrate closely evaluation and project development since both were inextricably linked. Evaluation provides data about activities and their effectiveness in engaging students and meeting program goals. Properly designed, an evaluation process can give indicators regarding the presumption that informal science education is not necessarily a set of interventions with short-term impacts, but rather a means of influencing the context within which science is learned and experienced over the long term.

Bob Panoff of the Shodor Foundation introduced the new website for SSEP directors, students, parents, and educators. The web address is . We encourage all to utilize this wonderful tool. Karen Hoffman of the North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research gave an overview of her organization and the services that they can provide to SSEP directors, educators and students through the web site and through direct contact.

The meeting was adjourned around 4:15 p.m.

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