Banner B. Project Description

B4. Project Organization

B4.1 The SCSI Workshops

The key enhancement activities of this project are the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary workshops to enable undergraduate faculty members to enhance their teaching with models, using the same tools, techniques, and technologies that define the modern practice of science and engineering. In this sction we describe the design of the workshops in terms of qualitative models which distinguish the approaches to learning and using models in the classroom and research.

B4.1.1 Overview

We propose three consecutive one-week workshops covering the topics of running models, modifying models, and designing and writing models. These workshops are designed to:

a) Inculcate a fundamental understanding of the role of models and simulations in science and engineering;

b) Create a healthy sense of what computation can and cannot do with respect to scientific models;

c) Instill a deep appreciation for the tripartite nature of computational science: matching application algorithm architecture;

d) Demonstrate the discovery and exploration aspects of a modeling or computational science approach that excite students to pursue studies in science, mathematics, engineering, and education.

We originally envisioned a single three-week workshop each year because of the sheer size of the problem and the amount of training needed to use models in authentic ways. After consultation with our consortia partners, we moved to a project design having three modular workshops to meet the needs of the faculty who come into the modeling arena with very different degrees of preparation. We foresee the likelihood that many faculty will enroll in the entire series of workshops, either in the same summer or over two successive summers, depending on other time commitments. By offering a modular set of workshops, we will be able to reach more faculty at more levels than we would have with a single workshop model.

In each workshop, a significant amount of time is set aside to ensure that faculty develop at least one lesson or example to take back with them for use in the classroom. Referring back to our educational launch ramp model for the workshop series, the three workshops to be offered can be loosely identified as Running Other People's Models, Modifying Other People's Models, and Writing Your Own Models.

Last Update: June 6, 1998
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