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IrYdium Project, The

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TitleIrYdium Project, The
CreatorNone listed
ContributorNone listed
PublisherNone listed
DescriptionThe IrYdium Project, and CREATE Project, develop educational software that can be integrated flexibly into introductory chemistry courses nationwide. Our goal is to create simulation-based learning environments where college and high school students can approach chemistry more like practicing scientists and see interesting real-world applications of key concepts.
FormatHTML, Java
KeywordEducation, Chemistry, mars, Chemical education software, virtual labs, virtual laboratory, virtual lab, virtual, thermochemistry, the irydium project, stoichiometry, solutions, Periodic table, molar concentration, mission, Laboratory simulations, laboratory, irydium project, irydium, equilibrium, educational, concept tests, concentration, chemical equilibirum, chemical education, Acid-Base Chemistry, acid-base, acid base titration, acid base
Education LevelHigher Education, Middle School, Grade 9, Grade 8, Grade 7, High School, Grade 12, Grade 11, Grade 10
TypeSearch Engine/Collection, Activity, Instructional Material

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