
How do we use the model?

Using perl

The equations which actually calculate the values in the model were converted into perl. Perl allows us to incorporate the model into a web page, so that it is widely accessible. The relevant part of the perl script that we are using is shown below. This perl script is accessed every time that a form is submitted; it takes the values from the form, calculates the behavior over time, and then plots that data. The parts of the perl script that get the data from the form and plot the results are not shown.

##################INITIALIZATION EQUATIONS #################
$available = 0;
$absorprate = .397;
if($isotope eq "Penicillin G potassium" or $isotope eq "Penicillin G sodium"){
if($isotope eq "Penicillin G sodium" or $isotope eq "Penicillin V potassium"){
$unitsdose = $mgdose/$mgperunit;
$dosing = 0;
$absorbed = $available*$absorprate;
$plasma = 0;
$vd = $weight*$vdperkg;
$conc = $plasma/$vd;
$gfr = 7500;
$excretion = $clearance*$conc*$gfr;
$binding = $plasma*$percbound;
$metarate = .2;
$metabolize = $plasma*$metarate;
$excreted = 0;
$proteinbound = 0;
$metabolite = 0;

################## RUNTIME EQUATIONS ######################
open (PEN, "> /tmp/pen$$.dat") || die "couldn't open pen$$.dat: $! \n";
open (TH, "> /tmp/th$$.dat") || die "couldn't open th$$.dat: $! \n";
for ($time=0;$time<=$maxtime;$time +=$dt) {
print PEN "$time $conc\n";
print TH "$time $threshold\n";
$available = $available + ($dosing - $absorbed) * $dt;
$plasma = $plasma + ($absorbed - $excretion - $binding - $metabolize) * $dt;
$excreted = $excreted + ($excretion) * $dt;
$proteinbound = $proteinbound + ($binding) * $dt;
$metabolite = $metabolite + ($metabolize) * $dt;
if ($time == $pulse) {
$pulse +=$interval;
}else {
$absorbed = $available*$absorprate;
$conc = $plasma/$vd;
$excretion = $clearance*$conc*$gfr;
$binding = $plasma*$percbound;
$metabolize = $plasma*$metarate;
close (TH);
close (PEN);

[Penicillin and You] [Application] [Algorithm] [Architecture] [Run the Model]
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