
Aligned Resources

Shodor > Interactivate > Standards > Tennessee Curriculum Standards: Geometry > Aligned Resources

Tennessee Curriculum Standards
Students will recognize, extend, create, and analyze a variety of geometric, spatial, and numerical patterns; solve real-world problems related to algebra and geometry; and use properties of various geometric figures to analyze and solve problems.
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: This lesson utilizes the concepts of cross-sections of three-dimensional figures to demonstrate the derivation of two-dimensional shapes.

Lesson: Shows students that number patterns exist in the Pascal's Triangle, and reinforces student's ability to identify patterns.

Lesson: Students learn to identify a variety of patterns using sequences and tessellations.

Activity  (...)
Activity: Explore cross sections of different geometric solids: cone, double cone, cylinder, pyramid, and prism. Manipulate the cross section with slider bars, and see how the graphical representation changes.

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