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 Overview / Purpose



 Run the Model


Although "Modeling Your Future" can in many ways seem like a game, (how much money can I make? How much money can I spend? Look at the cool graphs!) the goals of this excercise are not. Ultimately, the objective of "Modeling your Future" is to be able to give a concrete desciption of the effects of decisions that students make in their lives. These decisions can include education, career, and lifestyle choices.

The specific goals of "Modeling Your Future" are:

  1. Running the Model
    • Provide a concrete way for students to identify their educational goals
    • Cause students to establish a connection between educational goals, job opportunity, and ultimately lifestyle choices
    • Recognize that life choices can be made in a way which affects job opportunity, income, and lifestyle
  2. Interpreting Data
    • Identify income growth patterns through use of graphs and tables
      • "Type 1" income growth
      • "Type 2" income growth
      • "Type 3" income growth
    • Interpret income growth patterns
      • why does graph take on the shape that it does?
      • what does this shape mean for my lifestyle?
    • Compare income graphs from various jobs
      • How are they different?
      • Why are they different?
      • Identify and understand the concept of "earning potentials"
    • Develop an understanding of budget management
      • What expenses is the student willing to have?
      • How do these expenses affect bank account balance?
    • Understand debt
      • How does it happen?
      • How can it be avoided?
      • What are the consequences of debt (i.e. high interest rates)?

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