# About <!--&emsp; is for tabbing --> &emsp;&emsp;This application was developed by Rohin Shahi in 2017. It is a JavaScript application utilizing Google Maps' API to determine locations and distances. The locations are drawn from Google's extensive database to determine coordinates. <br> &emsp;&emsp;The second aspect of this program, calculating distance between two locations, is more complicated. Ordinarily, simply using latitude and longitude would be a simple matter, but the curvature of the Earth has to be accounted for. Thus, the haversine formula must be used. A link to a page that details the haversine formula can be found here: <br> <br> <i>http://www.longitudestore.com/haversine-formula.html</i><br> # How to Use &emsp;To determine the latitude and longitude of a location, enter the data into the first section. City, state (optional), and country should be entered, and then the "Calculate Coordinates" button should be pressed. Occasionally, there is some lag, so please wait for the coordinates to generate. They should display underneath the "Calculate Coordinates" button. <br> &emsp;&emsp;To find the distance between two locations, enter the locations' details into the second section. As an example, two locations are already present, Cambridge, MA, and Los Angeles, CA. These fields can be changed to reflect any documented cities in the world. If you would like to use a city in a country that does not have states, leave the state field blank, and continue. Click "Calculate Distance" to determine the distance between the two cities. This may take a few moments, so please be patient.