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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

So the permission issue might be on the staff image since is the second case of this happening. When working on the xen server football I learned about the command dd for coping and how virsh can list your virtual domains as well.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

Finished Creating the Mountain Lion Image and updated a new Lion Image. I got Domains to clone in Xen.


What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

I researched about cloning domains in xen and which way is the best way to go about it as of right now I got it to clone domains but the size is the same so for most case it is not practical. Going to see if I can somehow compress the size or reduce it somehow.


Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Joel provided some insight on virsh it was helpful.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

Helped Joel find the power cable for the external drive that was missing I found it in the storage closet in one of the bins. Met Phillip the new staff member he was having issues with his programs not opening correctly I had a look over it was a permissions issue on application support all the programs now open as normal.


What major tasks did you accomplish/complete this week?

Cleaned out webmaster queue of spam. Made a new Image of lion place restored it to the external drives I placed version/date labels on the external hd's. Made a image of mountain lion for later when we upgrade for now I scp'ed the dmg to my Disk_Images folder.
