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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

Aaron showed me how he was booting BCCD from a usb flash drive on the little-fe across the nodes thought it was interesting.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

Completed uploading the new 10.7 lion image to my /home on the server. Cleaned out webmaster queue of spam. I added Asset tags to the workstations in the intern and apprentice lab. Gathered information from the iMacs, Macbooks, and Powerbooks then placed it on the workstations page on the wiki and linked it to the details page. I finished updating the workstation wiki page with the Apprentice Lab information. Worked on building image on exteral drive to place on staff laptops. Researched some ideas for CSS to place on my website.


What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

John showed me a some of the objective-c development he was working on. Wanting to learn how to get the updates automated across the workstations it would save a lot of time.


Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Joel helped me with logging into depository-1 and how to use grep as a means to search for if a host name is already in use.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

Helped Jenny at Shepards House with teaching the students the M&M's model. The students would start with five M&M's and put them in a cup and pour them out if they landed M side up they would record the data add that many more and pour them out. It showed exponential growth as well the difference from experimental and theoretical results.
