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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

I learned about of some the new features in Firefox. I learned some new things with CSS. The alias's are awesome I am enjoyed learning how I could use them. I learned some different ways you can use a model for a demonstration and good to ask questions of a class when teaching.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

Reviewed the rabbits and wolves model and the disease model before Thursdays class. Created the staff Lion image. Updated the 10.6 Macbooks Safari, iTunes, and printer drivers. Resolved ticket on the eMacs software list for donation. Cleaned more spam out Webmaster queue. Researched more on the Adobe issue. Worked on my website added a 2012 and 2011 dir for my weekly events area to better orgainize them. Linked my style.css from my public_html to the pages and changed the font style.


What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

I heard about Firefox 11 new tilt addon that lets you see a webpage source as a 3d model and import it into different apps like blender thought that was neat. I had fun teaching the kids at Shepherd's house they got to work on the two different models and learned the have = had + change concept. I want to learn some more on programming and scripting.


Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Gavin showed me how to add a file with alias's to my .bash_profile it is really helpful. Gavin even showed me this .alias file by using less from /home/gborg found it funny that both Gavin and I made a alias for the Firefox fix from the wiki and named it firefix without knowing till we looked at each other .alias files. Jenny helped me look over the lesson plan for Shepherd's house and was very helpful in explaining and giving me tips.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

Helped Gavin with a GWT plugin issue in Firefox where it would not install properly from the web or from a file. I tried sending the gwt plugin dir to a new profile in ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/"username"/extentions/gwt it works now sent Gavin a copy of the in a email. Helped Patricia with a update on her Macbook.
