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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

I learned about about Microsoft powershell. I learned on how to do a install of fedora 14 on the network.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

I helped measure the office and collect the power information with Trey. Updated the systems.

Comments: Thank you, that was a very big help. -James Williams Zavada

What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

I wanted to learn a more about Powershell. Jquery for the upcoming class on the 19th. I have been going though the vimtutor and want to learn more about vi.

Comments: Knowing Vi is more than just something you can brag about, it also gives you a good productivity boost when it comes to editing -James Williams Zavada

Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Trey helped me collect the information on the power usage in the office.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

I helped Trey with measuring the office and with updating the systems.
