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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

I learned about the basics of Vi, Powershell, and getting to work back on the heartbeat freezes. The addressing and setting up the services on the heartbeat freezes was fun.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

I did Security and Service pack Updates this week on some of the systems. I started a wiki page on powershell with links to good documentation. Trey said that he would update the wiki page and add content he has found as well.

Comments: Documentation is one of the duties that most technology folks tend to overlook or even shirk. Wikis make it very easy to create documentation. Even if it doesn't look pretty, some documentation is better than no documentation at all. Unlike almost all my peers, I think it is better to overdocument than to underdocument. -James Williams Zavada

What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

Vi and Powershell they really grab my interest. Both Jym and Joel have been very helpful. They have pointed me direction of good areas on how to start building knowledge on these such as the vimtutor which appeals to me because it has lessons in a way on how to use vi as you go on.

Comments: In the unix world, vi is the the standard and ubiquitous editor. Knowing at least basic vi is a must for every sysadmin, and a great asset to power users, but I personally think it is one of the best *text editors* I've ever used. -James Williams Zavada

Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

Trey helped me by pairing up next to me and showing me some of the the rules of scripting and how the format should look like.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

I helped Trey this week with when exploring powershell we were making scripts and we thought of using notepad ++. Though by mistake I stumbled across a ISE for powershell it was pretty cool too. Later today Jym explained that ISE meant Integrated Scripting Environment.

Comments: One of the biggest drawbacks to being a "technologist" is the sometimes overwhelming proliferation of acronyms. But even if you don't remember the exact words they stand for, it's a good idea to know what they refer to or mean. -James Williams Zavada