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What did you learn today or this week that you're most excited about?

I learned how to test hard drives for bad sectors in a linux environment. I used the commands fdisk, mke2fs, iostat, and badblocks to test these drives which Jym and Joel send me. I heard from Joel that Cent Os was releasing a new verison here soon. Ernie showed me a hands on demonstration of leverage while savalaging a broken chair. While looking for a replacement drive for a ticket I gained some knowledge about some of the pricing on SSD and the compatibility with systems.


What did you do that you are most proud of?

This week I added wiki pages to and linked the pages. I am proud of testing hard drives and learning different commands while assisting Trey.


What have you heard about that you are hoping to learn more of?

I wish to learn more about terminal commands, scripting and basics of programming. I borrowed Jyms book on Unix Shell and wish to read and learn more. I met with Neil and Trey and saw how the come up with plans on how they teach classes on the weekends.


Who (among Shodor staff and your peers) helped you the most? How did they help you?

I watched Trey replace a mac fan that was squeaky Trey showed me where spare parts are kept in the sysadmin closet. I have been typing up a newsletter about weekend classes at Shodor, Hillary and Ernie have been helpful in providing me with information to use in the newsletter.


Who did you help? How did you help them?

I helped test Hard Drives, tidy up apprentice lab, and clean up cables in the classroom with Trey. I burned a copy of the weekends session for Jym for future reference. With Joel I researched information on SSD drives. Helped Ernie with taking apart a chair that were broken and leaking fluid saved spare parts that we could and disposed of the others while disposing of the parts unusable I helped Trey recycle cardboard that was in the kitchen area.
