GalaxSeeJS Help

About GalaxSeeJS

How To Run

Space to start. Space to stop. R to restart. S to toggle settings. T to toggle tracing. Left mouse button rotates, right mouse button pans, scroll to zoom. Go crazy.

What do the words on the right mean?

Those are the lovely model settings. At the top we see how long the model has been running. Initial configuration is how the stars will be arranged when the model resets. Initial velocity is how the stars will move at the beginning. The stars box changes the number of stars. The random seed box is a bit of magic that changes the behavior of Math.random().

What features will happen in the future?

We're working on adding the Virial Theorem intial velocity configuration, improved integration methods (Improved Euler and Runge-Kutta), code optimization, and more initial configuration options (3D grid and rings).