1. What did you learn? In the video Code: Debugging the Gender Gap, I learned about the huge gap between men and women in STEM companies and schools. Major companies like Google and Facebook have a high difference in employees around 80% males and 20% females. Many schools do not offer computer science as a subject, even though many believe it is a good skill to have. 2. How do you feel about the issues presented? I feel that this issue is terrible and not right. Often, women and girls are not thought of as being as capable as men in the tech industry. These issues are unfounded because early women such as Grace Hopper were very intelligent. 3. What might be helpful to improve diversity in STEM? An improvement in diversity would fill the jobs that currently can't be filled because there are not enough workers. It would be helpful in jobs that cater to a certain audience. For example, women would best understand what appeals to young girls. 4. What can be done to improve inclusion in STEM workplaces? A positive and encouraging environment would do greatly in improving inclusion. We can also work to remove the stereotype of who can be in the computer science field.