Death Eaters & Aurors

Agent Models

Required Software

To open these agent models, you will need to open it using AgentCubes Model./p>

The model links to a page with three options: Play, Design, and Edit.

To start the model, click the Play button and then click the green play button. To stop the model, click the red stop button.

Model 1: Death Eaters & Aurors Simple

In this model, Death Eaters, in an attempt to rob Gringotts Bank, will either fail and get captured by an Auror or succeed and become rich. There are several guard dragons placed in the Bank to, along with Aurors, prevent this from happening.

The world is represented by white squares. The dragons are represented by orange squares, The Aurors are represented by yellow squares, The Death Eaters are represented by gray squares, The Rich Death Eaters are represented by green squares, The Captured Death Eaters are represented by purple squares. .

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