Software Project Manager and Software Engineer Project

  • Fashionista Phil Vensim Model

  • This is Vensim model for the Fashionista Phil story. This model simulates fashion trends in a store. There are three populations wearing different color shirts, red, blue, and green. There is a random conversion rate for each of the groups.

  • Fashionista Phil AgentCubes Model

  • This is AgentCubes model for the Fashionista Phil story. This model simulates fashion trends in a store. There are three groups wearing different color shirts, red, blue, and green. When two agents touch, there is a chance that person 1 will switch to person 2's shirt color. The conversion chance increases and decreases based on how many agents are wearing that particular shirt color. When one shirt color is worn by 90% or more of the total number of Agents, some Agents with that color shirt will get bored and randomly switch to another shirt color. (8/9/2016 - 8/10/2016)

  • My Partner Anagha's High Level Design Document (Fashionista Phil)

  • This is my partner's AgentCubes and Vensim/Excel HLD for the story she chose. (8/8/2016 - 8/11/2016)

  • My High Level Design Document (Levi and his Merry Makers)

  • This is the AgentCubes and Vensim/Excel HLD for the story I chose. (8/8/2016 - 8/11/2016)