Our project idea was to make a model of a shopping mall with three stores. These models chart the population, or number of people, in a mall and each store. Each store has varying popularity, carrying capacity, and customer service(satisfaction rate). The time steps are during mall hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Each time step is a half hour.

Before you begin, make sure that Vensim software is installed onto your computer. Then, click on the link above to download the file to view. The diagram displays four basic components: Box variables(what you have), Rate pipe (change per unit of time), Variables(what you know), and Arrows(what depends on what). There are several aspects about the model that can be adjusted using slider bars including the carrying capacity, store popularity, satisfaction rate, and closing time.

Vensim PLE is fully functional system dynamics software that is free for personal and educational use. It can be installed by going to https://vensim.com/free-download/ and clicking Download Software.

To run the AgentCubes model, click the link above. It brings you to the project webpage. Click run to begin the simulation. In AgentCubes, we built a visual representation of the mall and stores. Customers stream through the entrance and eventually, will exit the mall at closing time. Each store has a different popularity so the customers are attracted to some of the stores more than others.

AgentCubes online is an agent-based program that can be accessed online. AgentCubes lets you build your own 3D games and models. It creates a visual representation of the model.