Programming Principles/Practices -------------------------------- Use meaningful names Spaces have meaning Don't use spaces in your names Planning Implementation Version Control Count starting at 0 instead of 1 Read/understand Testing Make small changes and test Indent to show structure (esp. nesting) Write readable code Documentation Break lines at 80 characters Be consistent Syntax vs. semantics Write the comment before the code Don't plan too far ahead Fix one bug at a time Debugging Be lazy (with typing) Refactoring DRY Principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) Avoid magic numbers Read inside-out Programming Tools ----------------- Notes Notebook Text editor Line numbers Syntax highlighting Code Computer Runtime environment Web browser Google (or your favorite search engine) W3School StackOverflow Vocabulary Web inspector Error console Interpreter Programming Language Concepts ----------------------------- Comments Functions Call Variables Operators Variables Scope Local Global Strings Regular expression Interval Boolean "If" statement Array Loops