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How to Use

Hello, and welcome to the fish and seals model by Tyler French, Andrew Nyland, and Vincent Xia. This model depicts how fish and seals may interact in an ecosystem that contains "tagged" fish which become easier for the seals to track and eat. The tagged fish are displayed with red circles spreading outwards and in our program, the seals are programmed to move in the direction of these.

Originally, we were tasked with creating this seals and fish model by editing a skeleton javascript and html file. However, we felt constrained by these parameters and instead decided to begin a model from scratch to create a user-friendly, visually appealing, and less confined model. Thanks for using our model and taking the time to read this!


In the bottom right corner, there are various user-friendly controls to help manipulate the landscape. A user may enter the number of seals or fish to help change how the organisms interact. In addition, there are slider bars to affect speeds of fish and seals. The "Fish Speed" slider bar changes the frequency of fish turns while the "Model Speed" bar changes the overall speed of the animals.