System Model

system model
  1. A duckling birth rate affects the amount of ducklings that are born
  2. The amount of ducks affect the amount of ducklings
  3. Amount of ducklings affect the amount of ducks maturing from ducklings to ducks
  4. Maturation rate affects the amount of ducklings maturing to ducks
  5. Maturing from ducklings to ducks affects the amounts of ducks
  6. Ducks can die
  7. Duck death rate affects ducks death
  8. Snapping Turtle Eating rates affects ducks death
  9. Ducks affect the amount of ducks death
  10. Snapping Turtle affects duck death.
  11. Snapping Turtle Birth Rate affects Turtle Birth
  12. Snapping Turtles Birth affects Snapping Turtles
  13. Snapping Turtles affects Snapping Turtle Death
  14. Amount of Snapping Turtles affects Snapping Turtle Death
  15. Snapping Turtle Death Rate affects Snapping Turtle Death
Duck simulation picture