DNA Analysis

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What does this Model Represent?

This model demonstrates a method for counting the occurrences of a particular letter within a string of letters (like a DNA strand).

What are the elements of this Model?

How do I use this Model?

In order to run the current model, simply enter 1 in the Start field, then hit [Ctrl] [=]. Every time you hit those keys, the position will move forward through the strings, and the counters for the targets will be updated.

You can customize this model by entering your own values for Target and Target2. You can also enter your own strings in the list.

What should I expect?

Watch the counters and compare to the Position. Take this string for example:


Position 1 - G counter = 1, C counter = 0

Position 2 - G counter = 1, C counter = 1

Position 3 - G counter = 2, C counter = 1

Download the model file.