parallelUniverse 2016
Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshops > Archive > parallelUniverse 2016

During todays afternoon workshop class, Aaron lectured the workshop students on what High Performance Computing (HPC) is and what the applications of HPC are in various fields. They also took a look at supercomputers across the globe going to the website. They observed the most recent measurement of the fastest supercomputers across the globe. Aaron tested the students knowledge on the order of memory (Kilo - Peta) in bytes. The student then followed the lecture discussing supercomputers for today and the future. They read an article from the head of the blue waters program about why the blue waters system chose to opt out of the test to become rated on the top 500 list. They deduced that the test used on the top 500 supercomputers was not effective in measuring the way supercomputers can be used. Afterwards Aaron discussed the practicalities of supercomputers and supercomputing. After the break, the workshop students came back to the classroom and took a look at a cluster computer that Shodor owns. The cluster computer was called Little Fe, and its a supercomputer that was built by Shodor for education. After a small talk about the hardware of Little Fe, Aaron talked about the components this smaller supercomputer shares with larger and more powerful computers. Overall, today the workshop student learned about a new type of computer, High performance computers.